Chapter 364 Dragon and Phoenix?
Tang Wanru was a little mad: "Didn't I say that I don't want to know the gender of the child for the time being? No, why am I pregnant with two?" Tang Wanru looked at her belly in disbelief, it was slightly raised, and it was hard to imagine that there was a baby inside. Two babies.

The bosom is too inconspicuous.

Over there, Tang Tang has already started to think about the future of his younger siblings, thinking that Mommy is pregnant with a stinky younger brother, but it turned out to be a younger brother + younger sister.

But the twins are pretty good, Tang Tang raised the corners of his mouth in satisfaction, and the stinky brother will shoulder the homework of the older sister in the future.

Gu Yanting's handsome eyes narrowed slightly, equally satisfied.

It's not bad to have a cute little girl and a brat to inherit the family business.

Butler Li had already sent the medicine for testing, and after passing the test, he was willing to let the nurse go.The nurse followed behind the housekeeper, looking at the Tang residence that was getting further and further away, feeling quite uncomfortable.

When Mr. Gu and Ms. Tang seemed to be affectionately together in the room, the nurse noticed that Gu Yanting's attention was always on Tang Wanru and never moved a bit.

The nurse was so envious, she boarded the car sent by the hospital and left with a lot of thoughts.She had no idea how much shock the Tang family and the Gu family would be shocked by the "dragon and phoenix twins" she said by mistake.

The strict and simple Gu's house.

The small wooden house by the lake is surrounded by white snow, and the house is warm and cozy. Two tables of mahjong start, a group of old men and women come and play mahjong, and it is very lively.

Old Master Gu, Second Master Gu, Third Master Gu and Fifth Master Gu were sitting around playing mahjong, and other old ladies opened a table beside them.

People are in good spirits on happy occasions, Mr. Gu is in such a good mood recently, he eats delicious food.

"Congratulations, I heard that Wanru is pregnant with a girl this time." Second Master Gu and Old Master Gu have the best relationship, chatting while touching cards, "Yan Ting is fast enough, haha."

Mr. Gu smiled brightly: "In the future, I will have two little granddaughters, haha, I have already asked Steward Zhang to open up the land in the Eastern District and build a small villa for my little granddaughter."

The old men were chattering non-stop, and the mahjong on the card table was crackling.

Only Gu Wuye remained silent.

Gu Erye looked at Gu Wuye: "Old Fifth, you should be happy that the Patriarch has offspring, why do you always have a downcast face?"

Gu Wuye forced a smile, and put a two barrel on the card table: "It's better for the head of the family to be inherited by a man. Miss Tang's fetuses are all girls. This woman, when she grows up, she will become someone else's family after she grows up. , the heart is not in our house."

Married women splash water, Gu Wuye doesn't like girls very much.

Mr. Gu disagreed very much, and threw [-] yuan on the table: "What time is this? Men and women are equal. Tangtang is smart and cute. I think she is very suitable to be the next head of our Tang family. When we get married in the future, let the man As a married woman, Tangtang is still our family's treasure."

Mr. Gu is not patriarchal. In his heart, both boys and girls are equally good.

As long as he is of the direct bloodline, he is qualified to be the head of the Gu family.

Mr. Gu intends to make Tang Tang the next head of the family.

"Brother, women are indecisive and irrational." Gu Wuye shook his head disapprovingly. He still hoped that Gu Yanting would have a son.

"Hey, fifth! Our group of women are still here!" The old ladies who patted the table next to me were suddenly unhappy, "Women can hold up half the sky. If your Gu family didn't have our group of old women, would they be as prosperous as they are now?"

(End of this chapter)

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