Chapter 486 He loves me! !

Ming Ruowei was wearing a long white dress, her waterfall-like long hair was scattered on the pillow, her brows were sleepy, like a Sleeping Beauty who just woke up.

She sat up lazily and stretched her waist delicately.

With the movement of stretching, the white skirt was lifted up slightly, and the slender and smooth waist arc was perfectly outlined.Gong Ming's expression was uncomfortable, his mind was full of question marks.

"You, why are you in my house!" Gong Ming questioned.

And so little to wear!

Still sleeping in my bed!
Gong Ming's mind was overwhelmed, is it because she loves me so much that she took the initiative to come and throw herself into my arms?

No, no, I am a reserved man, and I will never be tempted by beauty.Even though Ming Ruowei likes me to the point of coming to my bed to hook me up, I have to restrain myself!
Ming Ruo pouted slightly, and lazily spread out his palms: "I have no choice but to come to you. In the whole of Kyoto, except for Wanru, you are the one who has the best relationship with me."

Ming Ruowei has been driven crazy recently, she was asked to return to the family, the scheming old patriarch took a fancy to her, and planned to let her go to Creu Island to become the princess.

Princess ass!

It is to send her to marry and be the Ming family's eyeliner.

The newly appointed king of Kru Island is in his 40s, his wife died, and he has a six-year-old son under his knees.Ming Ruowei doesn't bother to be the stepmother of a princess, she decides her own marriage.

But the Ming family did not let her go, and repeatedly sent people to stop her.There is no other way, Ming Ruowei can only come to the Gu family for help.

"You got off work so late, I'm starving to death." Ming Ruo rubbed his belly slightly, his tone was as soft as a cat's, "Is there anything to eat?"

Gong Ming:.
you woman!

Don't talk to me in such a coquettish tone!

Break into my room, sleep on my bed, and ask me to cook for you?Why don't you go to heaven, where is the reserve of a woman?

But Gong Ming still grinds his teeth: "Wait a while."

Ming Ruowei really waited for more than ten minutes, and Gong Ming made her a plate of pasta.Ming Ruowei's stomach was already growling with hunger, and he quickly swept away the plate, licking the corner of his mouth and praising: "I didn't expect that, Gong Ming, your cooking skills are not bad."

Ming Ruowei was a little moved.

This man doesn't seem to have any shortcomings except that his chest muscles are bigger than mine.

The key is that he still loves me so much, knowing that I am hungry, he cooks for me to cook noodles for me.

Gong Ming lit a cigarette: "Miss, what are you doing here?"

Ming Ruo pouted slightly and complained: "My family forced me to marry and wanted to marry me to a small island country. I'm not willing to do so. I have been avoiding the family's tracking. After much deliberation, your place is the best."

Ming Ruowei came to Gong Ming for two purposes.

One, Gong Ming is the patriarch of the Gong family, he is a vassal of the Gu family with great skills.The Ming family is jealous of the Gu family, so they will definitely not act rashly. .

Two, Gong Ming has always loved her, for the sake of love, Gong Ming will definitely protect herself.

If Gong Ming behaves well, she can reluctantly give Gong Ming a chance to pursue herself.

Ming Ruo sighed slightly: "I dare not go home now, so I can only come to you."

These words fell into Gong Ming's ears, and they had other meanings.

Gong Ming was horrified: This woman, she loves me so much that she loves to fight against the terrifying Ming family?

He didn't expect that Ming Ruowei's love for him was so deep!

For a moment, I had mixed feelings.

Under the interference of reason, Gong Ming strongly refused: "No, it is not suitable for you to live with me. I will send you to the Gu family later. You have a very good relationship with the mistress, and she will protect you."

When Ming Ruowei heard it, he became anxious instantly.

Going forward to pull Gong Ming: "I can't ask Wanru for help in everything, she has no obligation to always help me. Gong Ming, just let me stay at your house temporarily—"

She moved too hastily, stretched her hand too fast, and accidentally pulled the white bath towel around Gong Ming's waist.

Towels fell off.

(End of this chapter)

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