Chapter 487 A Troubled and Cute Woman
The white bath towel lay quietly on the floor.

Gong Ming had just finished taking a shower, so he was covered by this bath towel.

Now the towels are gone.

The air fell into an eerie silence.

Ming Ruowei's gaze was uncontrollable and fell somewhere - her beautiful eyes widened instantly, even terrified.

This, the size.
Unexpectedly, Gong Ming not only has big chest muscles, but also other places.
After all, Ming Ruowei was still a girl, so the shock was too great, her whole body was like a small teapot that had just boiled water, her face was flushed, and her ears were steaming.

"You are a hooligan!" Ming Ruo covered his eyes slightly, turned his head and was about to run.

But she didn't notice the wall and banged her head against it.

The impact made her dizzy and staring at her eyes from the pain, Ming Ruowei had no choice but to squat down and rub her forehead painfully.

"Don't run so fast, look at the road when you walk." Gong Ming watched her scurrying about like a headless fly, feeling distressed and funny at the same time, tied the towel and bent over to pull Ming Ruowei.

Ming Ruowei waved his hands again and again: "I don't need your help, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, go far away."

Her little face flushed like a boiled shrimp, and she tried to stand up, but she was unsteady and threw herself towards Gong Ming.Gong Ming picked it up and put his arms around her slender waist.

Then, the door lock clicked.

The door opened, and Gong Shichu's gentle voice came in: "Brother, the restaurant has new dishes today, I'll bring them for you to try."

Gong Shichu had the key to his elder brother's house, and he pushed the door in with a lunch box, never expecting to see a scene he would never forget—his elder brother, who was single and had a white bath towel around his waist, was embracing a beautiful girl .

Gong Shichu: ".I'm sorry to disturb you and sister-in-law who are in love with each other."

Gong Ming:.
Mingruo stomped slightly: "No, it's not what you think! I, I, I'll go back to the house first!" She couldn't stay in this place for a second!Ming Ruowei ran back to the bedroom and slammed the door.

Tu left the two brothers outside, looking at each other in blank dismay.

Gong Ming: "I can explain that it's all a misunderstanding, she ran onto my bed suddenly."

Gong Shichu smiled gently: "Is she ok running to your bed?"

Gong Ming: "...I was taking a shower at that time, and I didn't notice anyone on the bed."

Gong Shichu: "Oh, take a bath."

Gong Ming: Forget it, I'm still too lazy to explain, I can't explain this at all!

The clever Gong Ming immediately chose to change the subject, looked worriedly at his brother whom he had not seen for a long time, and saw the faint bruise on the corner of his mouth: "Brother, who hit you? Tell brother, brother will stand up for you."

In Gong Ming's impression, his younger brother has always been gentle with others, and he is a "warm boy" in the eyes of girls.

But there were bruises on the corner of his mouth, obviously he was beaten.

"It's okay, just a little injury." Gong Shichu put the lunch box on the table, "I just stopped by to see you, you and sister-in-law can try the new dishes in the lunch box. I won't disturb you."

Saying that, Gong Shichu turned and left his brother's room, wanting to give his eldest brother and sister-in-law a space to get along with each other alone.

Gong Ming: Brother, you really misunderstood
Gong Ming put the dishes brought by his younger brother in the refrigerator, cleaned the leftover dinner plates after Ming Ruowei finished eating, and then swept the living room again.After finishing all this, Gong Ming pushed open the bedroom door, ready to send Ming Ruowei home.

But he saw the girl lying quietly on his bed, her long hair slightly disheveled, her beautiful eyes lightly closed, snoring like thunder, obviously sleeping soundly.

She has been busy avoiding the lackeys of the Ming family in recent days, and has hardly slept well. Now that she lay down, she immediately fell into a dark sleep.

Gong Ming secretly sighed.

It seems that she can't be driven away.

What a troublesome and lovely woman.

 Ming Ruowei: Beautiful women can snore too!Have an opinion?

(End of this chapter)

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