Chapter 862 Kick the door open!

Mother Fu turned pale in shock, as if she had thought of something, her face turned pale and she shook her head, tightly clutching her sleeves with both hands: "No, it's impossible! Wanwan, she won't do such a thing. Jiaojiao, stop talking!"

The expressions of the mother and daughter were so strange that they finally attracted the attention of a respected elder.

The white-haired elder with a dignified look came over with a cane and said solemnly: "There are still two hours before the grand inheritance ceremony. If your family wants to find someone, you should look for it quickly. If the inheritance is delayed, you can't bear the responsibility. I You mother and daughter seem to know Fu Wanwan's whereabouts, don't hide it, tell the truth."

Fu Jiaojiao hid in her mother's arms in fear, obviously frightened by the elder's aura.

Mother Fu bit her lips tightly, as if trying to hide something.

In the end, it was the eldest brother of the Fu family who sighed and stepped forward to explain: "Sixth Elder, to tell you the truth—"

"Boss, shut up! Your sister's reputation is going to die!" Mother Fu seemed to be very scared, and went forward to grab her eldest son, and no one could see that she was performing.

Despite being "blocked" by his mother, the upright elder brother of the Fu family still said: "Elder Six, my sister went to Huaguo before, spent 1500 million dollars to buy a violin, and met a handsome young man in Huaguo. Everyone objected, brought the man home, and even rashly brought the man into the birthday banquet of the Patriarch."

Among the several elders in the family, the sixth elder has the most irritable personality and is also the most feudal and conservative.Many years ago, the sixth elder's wife ran away with a handsome young boy. Since then, the sixth elder's temperament has changed drastically.

The Sixth Elder is in charge of the family's punishment. He dislikes men and women crossing the line the most, and often punishes some young clansmen who make mistakes.All the young men and women in the family are afraid of the Sixth Elder.

At this time, a maid hurried in with a panicked expression, and said anxiously: "Sixth Elder, I saw Miss Wanwan half an hour ago, and she went to the women's lounge. A strange man opened the door for her."

The maid's voice was not too loud, but it still fell into the ears of everyone present.

Mother Fu's face was pale and she almost fainted.

The Sixth Elder's face became particularly ugly, and he glared at Father Fu angrily: "I told you a long time ago that no matter whether you are raising a child, male or female, you should not spoil it too much! Look at you, what kind of virtue did Fu Wanwan cultivate? Patriarch Birthday banquet, bring a man in, it's a disgrace!"

Father Fu still looked unbelievable, and murmured: "Sixth Elder, I must have misunderstood that Wan Wan is a noisy kid, but she always obeys the rules."

Fu Jiaojiao burst into tears: "My sister is usually pretty good, so she definitely wouldn't do such a thing."

The second elder brother of the Fu family frowned: "Wanwan is really not such a girl."

Only Bai Xue stood quietly by the side without saying a word.

The Sixth Elder thought that this family was stubborn, and hated iron but scolded angrily: "Your family is a shrewd person, and you have taught your two sons very well. Why did your daughter develop such a ghostly appearance! Let's go, I will catch it myself!" she!"

After finishing speaking, the Sixth Elder aggressively led the master to the female relatives' rest area.

Father Fu's family obviously still wanted to "protect" the child, so they also hurried forward. The other clan members watching the excitement looked at each other in blank dismay, and many people who liked to gossip also followed to watch the excitement.

The Fu family is rich and powerful, so the birthday banquet of the head of the Fu family is of course arranged in every detail. The independent ladies' lounge is fully equipped with soft big beds and a dressing room.

The Sixth Elder leaned on a cane and came menacingly.

Everyone stopped at the door of the women's lounge in the innermost room.

The maid knocked on the door, but no one answered.I took out the spare key card and wanted to open the door. Although the door opened, the anti-theft chain inside was buckled. The door only opened a crack and could not be pushed open.

The Sixth Elder had faint veins on his forehead, obviously thinking about the past when his wife ran away with the boy.

The Sixth Elder lowered his voice, "Kick the door open!"


[Author's Note: It's November, time flies so fast~]

  Thank you [Yu Luo] for today's reward of 1666 book coins
  Here you go~(`)
(End of this chapter)

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