Chapter 863 You Let Dad Down Too Much
Mother Fu's tears fell instantly, and she stepped forward to stop the sixth elder:
"Sixth Elder, Wanwan is just a girl. I was the one who didn't discipline her strictly. I, I took her home and took care of it. This is my family's private matter. It's better not to say anything, for the sake of Wanwan's reputation."

Every word and every word was explained by Fu Wanwan, and every word and every word was challenging the bottom line of the Sixth Elder.The Sixth Elder stared at Fu's mother fiercely: "Having a child is like killing a child, you don't understand the truth? Fu Wanwan today is all caused by your family's doting! As the elder of the family, there are inappropriate scandals in the family. , I must come forward!"

After all, he ordered the bodyguard to kick open the door.

Mother Fu almost fainted in her husband's arms, acting sincerely.

The other clansmen watching the excitement stretched their necks to see Fu Wanwan's little boy.What kind of handsome boy is it that can make Fu Wanwan, who has always had high eyes but low hands, fall in love with him?

With an earth-shattering bang, the anti-theft chain behind the door was kicked off, the door smashed against the back wall, and the doorknob left a deep dent in the wall.

The lounge area is not big, and it is a big bed.

The pink bedding on the bed was arched, and it was not difficult to see that there were two figures lying on the bed.There are two pairs of slippers next to the bed, and the girl's underwear is casually placed on the shelf.

Fu Wanwan rubbed her eyes and got out of the quilt in a daze. She was obviously awakened by the noise and muttered dissatisfiedly: "What's the sound, do you want someone to sleep?"

After seeing who was coming, Fu Wanwan was stunned: "Mom, Dad! Why are you here? Sixth Elder, are you here too?"

Fu Wanwan was wearing a loose white suspender, showing her fair and round shoulders.Seeing such a big battle, and thinking that she was only wearing a small suspender, Fu Wanwan's pretty face turned pale.

She shrank back into the bed suddenly, only revealing a pair of beautiful big eyes, Fu Wanwan said aggrievedly: "Mom! I'm sleeping, why are so many people coming in! Let them out!"

Mother Fu's eyes were dim with tears, and she choked up and said, "You child, I know you like Gu Mingfei. But his family is poor, so you can't just trample yourself just because your parents object to your association with him! Come with our family property!"

Father Fu closed his eyes: "Wanwan, you have let Dad down so much."

The elder brother of the Fu family and the second elder brother of the Fu family all showed disappointed expressions.

For a moment, everyone looked at Fu Wanwan with contempt.

Fu Wanwan was a little puzzled. I was just too sleepy and fell asleep. Why did my parents, my parents, and my brother, who always loved me, become different people after I woke up?

The Sixth Elder turned cold, leaned on his crutches and ordered, "Drag these two shameless bastards to me immediately! When the family inheritance ceremony is over, I will personally take Fu Wanwan to the execution hall for punishment!"

Elder Six can't see anything dirty in his eyes!
Immediately, two maids stepped forward, trying to drag Fu Wanwan out of bed.A strange feeling appeared in Fu Wanwan's heart, and she subconsciously cast a look for help to Fu's mother, with tears in her eyes: "Mom, what's going on here? I'm really just sleepy, go back to the room and sleep for a while." Sleep."

Fu Wanwan drank a glass of fruit juice at the time, and was very dizzy when she returned to the room. Her eyelids were clenched and drowsy, and she lay down on the bed in a daze and fell asleep.

After being woken up, Fu Wanwan was still dizzy. Facing everyone's accusations and cold eyes, Fu Wanwan didn't react for a while.

Fu's mother wiped her tears and did not speak, but the elder brother of the Fu family, who was always serious next to her, said coldly, "Wanwan! You still have the nerve to argue? Gu Mingfei, come out if you are a man, what kind of man is hiding under the covers!"

(End of this chapter)

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