Chapter 919 Hotel Chef
As soon as Fu Jingan came back, he locked himself in the room, not knowing what he was busy with.

At night, Tang Tang's fever finally subsided.

She hugged the crispy Napoleon mille-feuille and ate it with gusto.

"I haven't been sick for a long time. It's really strange to suddenly have a high fever." Tang Tang swallowed the last bite of cake, took two sips of hot water from Jindou.

Her high fever came and went quickly.

He was still groggy during the day, but he had completely recovered at night, as if he had never had a fever at all.

Jin Dou didn't care, and turned on the ordering machine to choose supper: "The temperature suddenly drops, but it's easy to get sick. Brother Gu, you are in good health and recover quickly, nothing surprising."

He poked his fingers on the iPad, and ordered several night snacks.

The presidential suite has privileges, you can order food at any time and let the chef cook.After Jin Dou tasted the chef's cooking skills, he couldn't stop!
"Brother Gu, you don't eat much at night. What do you want for supper? The chef of this hotel is very skilled in cooking, and he is even good at our Chinese cuisine." After Jin Dou ordered the meal, he handed over the iPad to Tang Tang.

Tang Tang only ate one Napoleon at night, and his stomach was half full.

I also casually ordered a beef brisket stewed in red wine.

About an hour later, there was a knock on the door of the suite, and the exclusive butler sent a message: "Two guests, the chef came in with a supper."

Jin Dou stood up greedily: "Let him in! It's only been a few minutes, and the chef's speed is too fast, all five or six dishes are ready! Brother Gu, let me tell you, this chef His culinary skills are very good, especially the beef stew, which is the best in the world!"

The suite door opens.

The hotel chef came in pushing the dining car. He looked very young, in his early twenties at most.The head chef wears a white chef hat and white chef uniform. Under the sharp black hair is a pair of light brown eyes, with quite handsome features.

He put six suppers on the dining table one by one.

"Two distinguished guests, the supper has been delivered, please taste it." Chef Pi bowed slightly to the two, and pushed the dining car away.Before leaving, he glanced at Tang Tang and frowned slightly.

Jin Dou was already attracted by the aroma, staring at the delicious food on the table with piercing eyes, swallowing subconsciously: "Brother Gu, come and taste it."

Tang Tang was aroused by the aroma and enjoyed the supper happily.

I have to say that the chef's craftsmanship is superb, especially this red wine stewed beef brisket, which is made with the freshest beef brisket and French red wine.The beef brisket is filled with the mellowness of the broth and the thickness of the red wine. After taking a bite, the taste buds seem to be activated, which makes people want to stop.

Even the onions, carrots, and tomatoes in the ingredients have a first-class taste, and they have not lost their flavor because they are side dishes.It complements the main course, and the taste buds still miss the freshness of the vegetables after eating.

Tang Tang often travels around the world and tastes delicious food all over the world. This is the first time he has eaten such an unforgettable food.

So the next night, I ordered supper again.

On the third night, we also ordered supper.

Until the eve of the concert, I also ordered supper, Chinese braised pork.

The chef brought in the supper with a sullen face. This time, he didn't leave early, but stood at the dining table watching Tang Tang and Jindou eating.Tonight, Tang Tang ordered a serving of braised pork, and there were only two pieces of braised pork on the white plate.

It is made of fat and thin pork belly, stir-fried in an oil pan until it is browned on both sides, then transferred to a casserole and simmered slowly for an hour, and finally turned into an appetizing caramel color.Under the chef's perfect craftsmanship, the braised pork is sweet and soft, without the greasy taste of fat meat at all, and the thick soup in the mouth leaves a fragrance on the lips and teeth.

"It's really good, let's continue to order tomorrow night!" Jin Dou finished the braised pork in two mouthfuls, and then ate up the fried potato skewers, fried chicken chops, and hot and sour balls on the table.

The chef finally couldn't hold back, Liang Youyou said: "Guests, I haven't fallen asleep before 0 o'clock for four consecutive days."

Golden Bean: .
Tang Tang:.
The chef endured it for several days and finally broke out.

If it were any other guest, the proud head chef would have given up on it long ago.But the guests come from the most distinguished presidential suite, the VIP among the VIPs, and must provide the best service according to the hotel rules.

If the guests want to eat supper made by the chef, the chef will make it for them when the sky falls!
But working overtime for four consecutive days, the chef couldn't bear it. I understand that you guys like to eat, but you can't catch me alone!I'm going to be bald!

"I wish you a pleasant meal." The chef forced a smile and pushed the dining car away.

Jin Dou scratched his head in embarrassment: "Brother Gu, we have eaten a little too much in the past few days. Haha, the chef is even angry."

The appearance of the chef appeared in Tang Tang's mind, and he touched his chin: "I seem to have seen this chef somewhere."

It's a pity that the memory is too long, and I can't remember it for a while, so I have to give up.

Time passed in a blink of an eye, and soon came the day of Ms. S's concert.The entire Yinlun Kingdom emperor seemed to be boiling water, and people yearned for it.The Lido International Concert Hall is very lively, and reporters from all over the world have flocked here. Even if they can't enter the concert hall, random interviews outside can still get a huge amount of attention.

As soon as Jin Dou stepped into the square outside the concert hall, he saw a group of reporters surrounding Jian Jun and others conducting interviews.

Jian Jun still wore a formal suit today, and he was well-dressed. He still maintained his demeanor in the face of reporters' questions, and euphemistically revealed the fact that he was a student of the Bock Academy.The reporter did not expect that he would interview a gifted student from the Bock Institute, and more reporters rushed over at once.

Facing rows of cameras, Jian Jun became more and more calm.He knew that this was a good time to make himself famous. Musicians all over the world were paying attention to this concert. It was a unique opportunity to show his face in front of the media and in front of the world's musicians.He has to show off his musical talent and pave the way for the future.

"Tsk tsk, Jian Jun is really good at pretending. I have never heard him mention Ms. S before." Jin Dou saw this scene and pouted, "Ms. S is a forbidden word in the Bock Conservatory of Music. Why is this concert , have all the dean and tutors come to participate?"

Jindou couldn't figure it out.

The old stubborn gang at the Bock Conservatory hate Ms. S to death, and they will come to this concert.

Tang Tang was also quite puzzled: "It should be careful."

For some reason, Tang Tang always had an unspeakable uneasiness in his heart, which was an emotion that he had never had before holding a concert.

When Jin Dou saw the high-spirited Jian Jun over there, he felt contemptuous in his heart, rolled his eyes, and suddenly cleared his throat and said loudly on purpose: "Oh, I didn't expect that I got a ticket for a VIP seat. Tonight I can listen to fairy tales up close. Le, maybe I can see Ms. S again, I really have no regrets in this life."

(End of this chapter)

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