Chapter 920 Prince Snow Wilde

His voice was very penetrating, and immediately fell into the ears of several reporters nearby.

A reporter sniffed the smell, and the microphone came over: "Sir, sir, are you a guest at the concert tonight? Or a VIP seat?"

Tang Tang and Fu Jingan looked at each other, and Fu Jingan took Tang Tang's hand and hid aside to prevent himself from appearing in the camera.

Jin Dou cleared his throat, inadvertently took out a shiny golden VIP ticket, and dangled it in front of the camera.The camera footage followed the golden ticket, attracting more reporters.

There are only ten VIP tickets, and those who can get tickets are either rich or expensive and have a high status.Who is this unremarkable red-haired boy?
"Sir, what are your expectations for Ms. S's concert this year?"

"Where did you get the VIP tickets?"

"Looking at your young age, are you also a musician?"

All kinds of problems emerge one after another.

With that shiny golden VIP ticket, it was no surprise that Jindou stole all the limelight.Jindou cleared his throat and answered the reporters' questions one by one.

There are gradually no reporters on Jian Jun's side.

Jian Jun noticed the ticket in Jindou's hand, and his face was distorted: "This brat, where did you get the VIP ticket!!"

The two students next to each other looked at each other with envy and jealousy in their eyes.This time when he came to Yinlun Country, Jian Jun took aim at Jindou all the way, but he didn't expect this kid to get better and better. Not only was he escorted by two big bosses, Fu Jing'an and Gu Mingfei, he also got a distinguished VIP ticket.

Enviably itchy teeth!

"Brother Jian Jun, let's go first to the concert hall." The student whispered, "Because no one is there, let's put that thing in as instructed by the instructor."

With a sullen face, Jian Jun glared viciously at Jindou, who was in high spirits, and left with a flick of his sleeves.

Huaguo, a village with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

As it was getting late, the majestic and clear river fell down the cliff and flowed through the high-grade hydroelectric generator, sending abundant power to this beautiful small village.There are beautiful villas in the village side by side. In the early spring of March, rows of green crops sprouted in the greenhouses, and the temperature and humidity in the greenhouses were recorded by instruments at all times.

The old people in the village have no work today. A group of gray-haired old men and old ladies are sitting in the big sycamore courtyard, watching the live interview on the high-definition big screen.

"Old Jin, tonight's concert is over, and Ms. S and her orchestra are about to release her new song. Let's hurry up and analyze it."

"That lady has a genius creative ability, which is admirable."

"Old Jin, when will your grandson come back? Old man, I really miss Xiao Jindou's erhu."

"I'm getting older. I used to work seventeen or eighteen hours a day, but now I can only work eight hours. I'm getting old."

The old men and women were shaking cattail fans, sitting scattered in the courtyard, chatting and sharing gossip.They are all music lovers and loyal fans of Ms. S.

It's a pity that due to the protection of the state, they can't go abroad at will. They can only watch the live broadcast of Ms. S's concert in the village and wait for the release of new music.

Just as the old men were chatting, a familiar voice suddenly appeared on the big screen.

Reporter: "In your heart, what kind of person is Ms. S?"

In the camera, the red-haired boy showed a bright smile and said with a smile: "I think Ms. S is a particularly talented musical genius. She is simply the embodiment of a muse. Her music can always bring people inspiration and hope. My village Grandpa Jin, Grandpa Wang, and Grandpa Zhao often study Ms. S's score, saying that this is the creative ability of gods."

Jindou chattered non-stop, and his words were full of appreciation for Ms. S.

The old men in the village were stunned:
"Old Jin, isn't this little Jindou?"

"Oh, he actually went to Ms. S's concert and got a VIP ticket! He's doing well!"

"I told Xiao Jindou's fortune back then. He has noble people to help him this year, and his music career can go to a higher level! I think he is likely to meet Ms. S."

"Come on, old Yuan, your poor fortune-telling ability will kill you. Back then, you figured out that Jindou had no offspring in his life. Lao Jin almost beat you to death."

"Bullshit, I calculated it based on the Liuyao Yijing gossip, it's very accurate!"

A bunch of old men were boiling.

It never occurred to Jindou to get a VIP ticket, and the eyes of the old men turned red with envy.In the camera, Jin Dou talked eloquently and in high spirits, and even took out an erhu and played the song "Erquan Yingyue" in front of tens of millions of viewers.

It was getting dark, and the concert hall began to check tickets one after another.

Jin Dou stepped into the magnificent main concert hall with apprehension.The on-site audience has already arrived one after another. They are all in suits and leather shoes, and they are all musicians and music lovers from all over the world.

The most striking is the VIP ten seats.

Sitting in the middle is His Majesty the most honorable emperor of the Yinlun Empire——Kean Wilde.His Majesty the Emperor followed the benevolent government of the previous monarch, was diligent and caring for the people, and was deeply loved by the people.

The woman in fine clothes sitting on the right side of His Majesty the Emperor is the noble princess Charlotte of the empire.

The position to the left of His Majesty the Emperor is temporarily vacant.

The VIP seats are all musicians, royal family members, and each person is taken out individually, and they are all super big men who stomp their feet and intimidate the world.Jin Dou felt a lot of pressure among a group of big shots. Fortunately, seeing Fu Jing'an and his brother Gu in the corner, Jin Dou felt a lot less pressure.

Running to sit next to Tang Tang, Jin Dou whispered: "Brother Gu, this is not listening to music, it is clearly an international conference, even His Majesty the Emperor has come—"

Before he could finish speaking, Jin Dou saw a tall figure walk into the VIP seat and take a seat on the left side of His Majesty the Emperor.

This young man changed into a simple court men's attire. He had a handsome and tough face, but his complexion was not very good. He obviously didn't like this kind of occasion.Jin Dou and Tang Tang looked at each other in blank dismay, and both recognized this person immediately——

The chef of the hotel!
The world is magical, the chef of the hotel is actually sitting next to His Majesty the Emperor!
Who is he?
It was Fu Jingan who had a lot of knowledge, and whispered to Tang Tang about science: "This is the emperor's younger brother, Prince Snow Wilde. Although he was born in the royal family, his greatest hobby is cooking, and he is currently working as the chef in the hotel.

Tangtang, do you still remember that you participated in a children's variety show when you were young?At that time, Xue Nuo was also a small guest on variety shows. "

Tang Tang finally remembered that when she was a child, she participated in a variety show called "Where is the cute baby" with the actor Shen Yunsu.Keane, who was still a magician at the time, brought his younger brother Xue Nuo to participate in the variety show in an attempt to bring Assistant Wang back to inherit the throne.

The tsundere little Bao Xue Nuo back then, and the bad-tempered chef in front of him gradually merged into one.

 Xue Nuo and the young people from the Miao clan that Tang Tang met in the variety show back then will slowly appear later. It can be regarded as a foreshadowing.

(End of this chapter)

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