Chapter 921 Is She Ms. S?

Tang Tang found it interesting: "Everyone in the royal family of Yinlun Kingdom is very ambitious."

Tang Tang still remembers that the former Assistant Wang didn't want to be an emperor, so he came all the way to be an assistant to Tang Tang's father; Forced to become emperor.

Snow Wilde is also different. He was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, but he chose to be a chef.

Tang Tang was thinking wildly when the phone in his pocket suddenly beeped.It was a message from the orchestra. Tang Tang frowned when he saw the content of the message.

"You two are listening to the concert here, I have something to deal with." Tang Tang looked dignified.Regardless of what Fu Jingan and Jin Dou had to say, he left the two of them and quickly left the scene.

She hurried to the backstage of the concert hall.

I found a secluded place and called the members of the band.

The pianist of the orchestra said anxiously: "Ma'am, Nilu was attacked by a stranger just now, and her wrist was bleeding badly. Nilu has three performances tonight, two of which will be temporarily replaced by a substitute violinist. But that important concerto, It takes at least half an hour, and the substitute violinist may not be up to par."

This concerto is a new track created by Tang Tang this year, and it is quite important.

Must show in top condition.

But at a critical moment, the violinist Nilu had an accident.

Tang Tang pondered for a moment, and said: "Don't worry, I just met a talented little girl, let her come as a substitute."

The band members over there were breathless: "But... I didn't run in in advance, just in case"

Tang Tang: "Don't worry."

There was no sound.

Tang Tang hung up the phone and saw himself reflected in the shiny mirror in the corridor: still short hair, wearing men's clothing, male and female, who would think it was a boy at first glance.

She stood in the corridor for a while.

Until Fu Jingan's figure appeared.

The two men made eye contact.

Tang Tang raised the corners of her mouth, and with Fu Jingan's familiar cunning and cleverness, said softly: "Fu Jingan, there are some annoying mice around me, I want to get rid of them."

Fu Jingan raised his eyebrows, he had always felt that Tang Tang seemed to be hiding something important from him.It looks like Tang Tang is not going to hide it today?

"All ears." Fu Jingan took Tang Tang and hid in a lounge in the backstage.The lounge was dimly lit, apparently an abandoned utility room, and the air was a bit cloudy and dull.

Tang Tang turned on the light and watched the countdown. The concert had 9 minutes to start.

Tang Tang didn't waste time, and told Fu Jing'an seriously: "Actually, I am your stepmother."

Fu Jingan's pupils suddenly enlarged.

5 minutes later.

Jin Dou was covered in dust, jumped down from the ventilation duct, and landed on the ground, sending up dust all over the sky.Jin Dou wiped the ashes off his face, looked around angrily, and looked puzzled: "Brother Gu, Brother Fu, what are you two doing! The concert is about to start!"

Jin Dou was speechless.

The concert was about to begin, and Jin Dou was about to hear the sounds of Ms. S's band, but he received a text message from Fu Jingan, asking him to avoid the crowd and go to a lounge in the backstage through the ventilation duct.

Jin Douhui crawled over, and before he complained, he heard Tang Tang say to the makeup artist in the room: "It's him, pick him up."

Golden Bean:? ?

Tang Tang sighed and patted Jindou on the shoulder: "I have wronged you, and I will compensate you later."

Golden Bean:? ? ?
As dusk approached, the performance in the main hall of the concert hall finally kicked off slowly.

The theme of this year's Ms. S concert is: [Time]

Music is an existence that transcends the international and covers the races of people in the world, transcends language and text, and knocks on the door of human hearts in a different way.From primitive society, when ancient humans beat stone drums and played bone flutes, music was born along with the progress of human civilization.

Since then, where there is civilization, there will be music.After tens of millions of years, music has developed into an indispensable art of this era.

At the beginning, there was a bone flute solo. This bone flute was obtained at an auction at a high price. Amid the melodious sound of the flute, the curtain of this concert was slowly opened.

Next, one after another maverick music sounded, even the roughest music layman could not help but be attracted by this shocking music.

"It's pretty good." The head chef sitting in the VIP seat, His Majesty's younger brother Xue Nuo, the impetuousness in his eyes slowly dissipated.

Jon Snow has been very angry lately.

Xue Nuo was "tossed" by the two guests in the presidential suite, and had to cook supper for them every night.Today, I wanted to sleep early, but was called by my own brother to listen to the so-called concert.

Jon Snow is obsessed with cooking and has no interest in music at all.Even though he was sitting in the much-anticipated VIP seat, he still kept his face crossed, not taking the concert seriously.It wasn't until the beautiful music sounded that Snow Nuo's previous prejudices dissipated.

It sounds good.

It's really nice.

If listening to Xianle, Xue Nuo never knew that there is such refreshing music in the world.

Until the finale song "Concerto · Island Time" appeared, the audience's aesthetics was once again raised to a new height.This piece is Ms. S's blockbuster work this year. It not only incorporates the freedom of romanticism, but also infuses it with long-spirited lyrical chapters, showing a distinct personal style.

Ms. S seems to be expressing a romantic island love, which reminds the audience of the wonderful first love, making people wonder, is it possible that Ms. S is in love?

The concerto played for 40 minutes, and finally ended with thunderous applause from the audience.

Only then did the audience notice that the principal violinist of the orchestra had changed. It was no longer Ms. Nilu. She was a beautiful girl wearing a white veil, a white robe, and black hair scattered around her waist. Just a silhouette was already pretty. It's outrageous.She played the violin slowly, leading the rhythm of the whole orchestra, calmly.

"Who is she? Has Ms. Nelu left the group?"

"It's amazing. The violin is the backbone of a modern symphony orchestra, and her playing skills can surpass that of Master Nilu."

"...Is she Ms. S?"

"Impossible, Ms. S doesn't look so young."

"The veil covers the face, and the white robe is worn, and the real age cannot be seen."

The audience had their own thoughts and wanted to see the violinist who suddenly appeared again, but unfortunately the gorgeous curtain had already fallen.Before, everyone was obsessed with the music, and no one cared about the performers.Now I want to see the violin player, but the person has disappeared without a trace, leaving only countless conjectures.

The last piece of the concert was the bone flute solo.

Amid the bleak flute, this year's concert ended successfully.

Almost at the same time, Ms. S released this year's new music on social platforms.

(End of this chapter)

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