Chapter 922 Ms. S Was Arrested
Her music is free and shared by music lovers all over the world, so it is widely spread around the world.

Musicians who did not get concert tickets eagerly listened to Ms. S's new piece.

Music professors in various colleges and universities began to stay up late to analyze and study music scores, hoping to gain new musical inspiration from them.

This is a gluttonous feast given by Ms. S to the music industry.

The concert came to an end, and the audience who were still unsatisfied left the venue.

Just as Xue Nuo was about to sneak away, he was stopped by his brother's bodyguards along the way and brought back to the car.

"Brother, I still have work tonight." Xue Nuo's expression was not very good, and his tone was sullen.His Majesty's special bulletproof car slowly opened, the space inside the car was large enough, His Majesty took off his thick coat, and glanced at his younger brother.

Keane asked, "Will the music be interesting tonight?"

Xue Nuo shrugged: "Ms. S is quite talented, and the song is quite nice."

Keane nodded, and said casually: "Music is an elegant art, and an excellent politician can turn music into a weapon for his own governance. This time, Ms. S chose Yinlun Country to hold a concert. I sent people from various parties. Communication, the result that took a lot of energy to achieve. This concert has brought our country over [-] million in revenue and the world's attention—"

"Brother, why are you telling me this, I'm not interested in politics." Xue Nuo had a terrible headache.

Xue Nuo always felt that in the past year, his eldest brother often asked him to attend various important events, meet important state ministers, and receive foreign distinguished guests.

Even though Xue Nuo repeatedly protested, Keane still did not change his mind, euphemistically calling it the duty of a member of the royal family.

Keane's face was unpredictable: "You are my younger brother, and you are supported by the residents of the whole country. It is always beneficial to know more about politics. There is an important job tonight, and I will deal with it together."

Jon Snow: "Can I say no?"

Keane smiled slightly: "No."

This year's concert has come to a successful conclusion.

In the backstage lounge, the members of the orchestra happily celebrated and expressed their gratitude to Tang Tang who came to the rescue.

"Miss, you are really amazing! I thought something would happen in tonight's concerto performance, but I didn't expect that your performance is even better than Nilu's!"

"Haha, welcome to join the orchestra! From now on, our main orchestra will have 31 members!"

"I'll treat you later, let's go have a meal together."

"I went to the hospital to visit Nilu at night. She had worked so hard for a year to prepare, but suddenly her wrist was injured, hey"

The members were chattering, they all thought that Tang Tang was a temporary aid invited by Ms. S.No one expected that the eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl in front of them was actually Ms. S whom they had been thinking of.

Tang Tang politely rejected their invitation, left with an excuse, and returned to his lounge.

A concert consumes countless painstaking efforts, and the staff are busy cleaning the scene and arranging for the audience to leave.The city has entered the cold night, and the neon lights make the night of the city extraordinarily brilliant.

Tang Tang entered the lounge.

After a while, the electric switch of the concert hall was pulled off maliciously, and several agile figures rushed in quickly.Soon, several people carried the unconscious Ms. S into the car waiting outside.

This is a stretched white Hummer.

The interior space is huge.

The Hummer quickly ran onto the road, heading towards the villas in the suburbs.

"Notify the old owner immediately, the man has been caught." Inside the car, Nilu glanced at the unconscious Ms. S, her eyes flashed with joy.

"Yes, the old owner is already waiting for you at the private estate."

The corners of Nilu's mouth curled up, unexpectedly, Ms. S was captured so easily.

Ms. S was laid flat on the back seat, her eyes were closed, she was wearing a white veil and a white chiffon robe, even in a coma, her elegant and beautiful figure could still be seen.

Nilu took off Ms. S's veil.

What came into view was a young and delicate face with light makeup, two thin and long eyebrows, curled and curled eyelashes, and a face as white as snow.Nilu looked at this delicately made-up face, and the anger in her eyes became more and more serious: "You are really young. I knew it"

"Thank you for saving me back then, and turning me from a dancing girl into a violinist admired by everyone. But I have a serious illness, and I will not live long. Only the Ming family's spiritual spring can save me."

"Don't blame me, I cherish my life very much."

Who would have imagined that the glamorous violinist Nilu is actually terminally ill and dying soon.Even the best doctors couldn't cure her, so she made many inquiries and learned that there was a kind of spiritual spring in the Ming family that could prolong life and cure all diseases.

If Nilu wanted to live, someone had to die for her.

She chose to step on Ms. S's body in pursuit of longevity.

The car drove quickly, and Ms. S was still in a coma.

The Humvee drove into the suburban villa group, which was inaccessible, but located in many magnificent manors.

There are large areas of beautiful scenery in the suburbs of Lido, which are suitable for retirement. Many wealthy people from all over the world will buy a manor here and occasionally come for vacation.

After Nilu got out of the car, the manor housekeeper hurried up, glanced at the unconscious Ms. S, and asked Nilu, "Are you sure she is Ms. S?"

Nilu nodded: "I'm sure. The violin level in the world is higher than mine, only Ms. S."

Only then did the housekeeper feel relieved, and asked the bodyguards to carry the unconscious Ms. S into the manor.The night wind blew slightly, and Ms. S's black wig swayed slightly, revealing her delicate and beautiful face.

The room was brightly lit, and Nilu saw this face clearly. She felt that this face seemed familiar for a moment, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it for a while.

The private estate at night is brightly lit.

The old Patriarch Ming has arrived.

In addition, the dean, tutor, and three students of the Bock Conservatory of Music, including Jian Jun, are also in the manor.

The bodyguard carried the unconscious Ms. S in and put her on the sofa. In order to prevent her from escaping, the bodyguard specially put on a pair of handcuffs on her and put an adhesive tape on her mouth.

Sitting in a wheelchair, the old Patriarch Ming looked at this legendary woman who influenced the world, and said mockingly: "You look quite young. I invest one billion in your academy every year, but you can't even match a single woman."

The dean of the college and the instructor lowered their heads, not daring to say anything.

It was the first time Jian Jun and the others saw the rumored old Patriarch Ming, and they dared not show their anger.

The old Patriarch Ming raised his hand casually, and ordered the bodyguard: "Wake her up."

Bodyguard: "Yes."

Immediately someone fetched a ladle of cold water and splashed it on Ms. S's face.

The water was icy cold, and Ms. S with delicate features shivered and slowly opened her eyes.Seeing the unfamiliar surroundings and the familiar dean in front of her, Ms. S's eyes widened.

How am I here?

Where's Brother Gu?
Where's Brother Fu?

 In the past, four chapters were updated every day, and each chapter was 1000 words.

  Now there are two chapters a day, and each chapter has 2K words, which is actually about the same. .

(End of this chapter)

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