Chapter 923

Jin Dou panicked.

He wanted to speak, but found that his mouth was covered with a piece of tape, and he could only make a strange whine.He tried to escape, but was handcuffed with cold wrists.

Jindou's mind was buzzing, and he didn't understand what happened.

Who is that old man who is staring at him not far away?Also, why is the dean of the conservatory here?

"Old Patriarch, she's awake." The bodyguard splashed cold water on the so-called Ms. S, and stood respectfully behind Ming's old Patriarch.

The hall was quiet, and everyone was looking at the world-renowned Ms. S.

The dean and tutors of the Conservatory of Music pushed forward the reading glasses. They never expected that Ms. S, who stole the limelight of the Bork Conservatory of Music, looked like a pretty girl in her early twenties.

As for Jian Jun and the others, they also had mixed feelings in their hearts.

So young and already so terribly accomplished musically. The existence of Ms. S overwhelmed the geniuses like Jian Jun.

"Since you're awake, I just want to ask you a question." The old Patriarch Ming narrowed his eyes, and his cloudy old eyes revealed shrewdness.

Jindou: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."

What do you want, old man!
Brother Gu, where are you?
The old Patriarch of the Ming Dynasty asked, "Who is Wang Kehao to you?"

Jindou: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."

The old Patriarch Ming sneered: "Don't say it? I have a lot of ways to make you say it."

Jindou: "Woooooooo!"

You ask me, how do I know!
Since you want to ask me, you put a tape on my mouth, how do you want me to answer?Is the current villain's IQ so low?

In the end, the bodyguard stepped forward and tore off the tape sticking to Jindou's mouth.The adhesive tape was tightly attached, and it was torn apart suddenly. Jin Dou felt that the small fluff on his mouth was about to be pulled out, and the corners of his mouth were burning and painful.

After not speaking for a long time, Jin Dou hoarsely said, "Grandpa, I have nothing to do with Wang Kehao, please let me go."

Normally, Jian Jun and the others would definitely be able to recognize Jin Dou's voice.It's a pity that at this time, Jindou's voice was dry and hoarse, and he couldn't hear his original voice.

"You have nothing to do with Wang Kehao? Just a joke." Old Patriarch Ming sneered, "Your early music style is very similar to Wang Kehao. He must be your teacher."

Golden Bean: "."

The old Patriarch Ming said sadly: "It seems that Wang Kehao wants to train you as the second Ruan Menghua."

Jin Dou rolled his eyes speechlessly: Yes, yes, you are right!
You've said everything, do I still have room to refute?

"Grandpa, you seem to hate Ruan Menghua a lot?" Jin Dou wasted no time, waiting for Brother Gu and Brother Fu to come to rescue him.

The old Patriarch Ming raised his hand and told all the idlers around him to retreat.

In less than a minute, in the dimly lit hall, there were only golden beans tied up on the sofa, the old Ming master in a wheelchair, and an elderly butler.

The old Patriarch Ming didn't speak for a long time, he looked at Jindou writhing on the sofa, as if he wanted to see the shadow of another person from Jindou.

Ms. S looks completely different from Ruan Menghua.

Personality, however, is somewhat similar, they are both unwilling to admit defeat.

The old Patriarch Ming sneered, and his eyebrows became more vicious: "It seems that there is no Ruan Menghua in this world anymore. You and that woman Ruan Menghua don't look alike."

Jindou: What the hell is this old man talking about?Why can't I understand a word.

A palpitating madness flashed in the eyes of the old Patriarch Ming: "However. Since you are the heir chosen by Wang Kehao, you should have your uniqueness. When I die, I want you to be buried for me. I can't get it Ruan Menghua, at least she can get her shadow."

Golden Bean:! ! !
Damn, are you rich people so unrestrained?
Ten thousand grass mud horses flashed vigorously in Jindou's heart, Brother Gu, you can't come here again!I'm about to be killed by this sick old man!
Brother Gu, help, help!
The old Patriarch Ming is still talking to himself: "You are Wang Kehao's student, you should have heard him mention that Ruan Menghua is the most beautiful and special woman in the world. I used to be madly infatuated with her. Shen took her away, married her, and had a child with her.

I gave her the most expensive gemstone in the world and gave her all my heart, but Ruan Menghua only had Gu Shen in her heart.Later she still left me and fell into Gu Shen's arms again.Later she died, Gu Shen also died, and I was about to die too. I was not reconciled, I couldn't snatch Ruan Menghua's bones and be buried with me.But, I met you, poor Ms. S, your music, your singing voice, your origin, you have the shadow of Ruan Menghua, I invite you to die with me. "

The Golden Bean Three Views were shattered.

You city people really know how to play!

You Ming family are all paranoid!
Your Ming family are all out of their minds!

It’s so good to invite others to die with you, who will agree!
"This kind of eyes full of hatred, um, I like it." The old Patriarch Ming looked at Jin Dou's face, seeing the submission and unwillingness on Jin Dou's face, as if seeing some strange treasure.

Ruan Menghua also showed this expression back then.

The old Patriarch Ming's eyes showed obsession and nostalgia.

Jin Dou's scalp was numb from the eyes of the old Patriarch Ming, and he silently hugged his arms tightly, Ma Ma is abnormal here.

"Housekeeper, lock her in the room first. Take her back to the Ming Family Ancestral Hall tomorrow." The old Patriarch Ming ordered lightly. He knew that his time was short, and even the freshest spiritual spring could not prolong his life.

It would be better to simply choose to die, at least he can have the shadow of his "lover" to accompany him into hell.

The butler whispered, "But... what if the little Patriarch gets involved? The little Patriarch does not agree with this plan."

The old Patriarch Ming snorted coldly, and didn't take Ming Sichen seriously: "The power in his hands was given to him by me. If this kid is smart enough, he will know who is the real master of the Ming Family."

The old Patriarch Ming didn't pay much attention to such a brat.

Ming Sichen is smart and cunning enough, and he is an outstanding existence among the juniors.But Ming Sichen's tricks, in the eyes of the cunning and cunning Patriarch Ming, are basically like children's play, not worth mentioning.

The butler lowered his eyes: "I see."

With that said, the butler called the bodyguards and politely invited Ms. S to the upstairs bedroom.Just as Jin Dou took a step forward, there was the sound of hurried footsteps outside the house.

The bodyguard guarding the private manor ran in and reported anxiously: "Old master, it's bad! There is a boy wearing a cloak outside the manor, and he wants to see you."

The housekeeper sternly reprimanded: "Where is the boy who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and solve it directly! This kind of trivial matter also troubles the old Patriarch, are you full?"

The bodyguard looked distressed: "Ke Ke said that his grandma's name is Ruan Menghua."

The room fell into an eerie silence for an instant.

Old Patriarch Ming's cloudy eyeballs were covered with bloodshot eyes, and he hoarsely said, "Let him in."

 People in the Ming family are crazy at heart

  That's how the old master of the Ming Dynasty
  Ming Si Shen is also like this
(End of this chapter)

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