Chapter 924 Brother Gu is a woman?

Jin Dou was forced to stay where he was.

Jin Dou was secretly worried, could it be that Brother Gu came to rescue him in person?But why did Brother Gu come here alone!Jin Dou already knew that the person who kidnapped him was the old head of the Ming family.

Back then in the village, Jin Dou heard that Grandpa Wang at the head of the village mentioned the world structure. The rumored four big families possessed the richest resources and the highest power in the world, and they were terrifying chaebol giants.

Among them, the Ming family is the most mysterious and rich.

Brother Gu came to look for the old Patriarch Ming alone, just in case Jin Dou didn't dare to think about it anymore.

The hall is decorated elegantly and cleanly. At night, the warm lighting illuminates the room with warmth.But Jin Dou felt cold all over, secretly poking and praying that Brother Gu would be safe.

The carved wooden door of the hall was pushed open, a cold wind poured in, and a boy in a black hood walked in.Jin Dou's eyes widened, it really was Brother Gu!
The old Patriarch Ming was also staring at the visitor intently, with suspicion flashing in his eyes.

The young man took off his black hood in public, revealing a fair and beautiful face. He was tall and thin, and he was dressed exactly like Jindou, both in white robes.

The beautiful appearance seemed to be a thorn, piercing into the eyes of the old Patriarch Ming. The old Patriarch shook his body and murmured: "Menghua, Ruan Menghua."

The corners of Tang Tang's lips were curved, and her voice was sweet: "It turns out that you are the one who has been chasing and killing me all these years. Long time no see, Old Patriarch Ming, are you still alive?"

Tang Tang's voice is crisp and sweet, and his face is too beautiful.

Jin Dou was dumbfounded, and suddenly discovered a fact - I, Brother Gu, seem to be a woman?
Golden beans are covered!
My majestic brother Gu, who leads hundreds of people to fight and is extremely powerful, is actually a woman?
The Golden Bean Three Views split apart.

Tang Tang's dress tonight is no longer half of the original boyishness.Probably people rely on clothes and Buddha relies on gold clothes. Tang Tang, who put on women's clothes, has the temperament of a noble girl from the inside out, with a bit of naughtiness, which reminds the old Patriarch of Ming Dynasty immediately of Ruan Menghua when he was young.

Like, just too much like it!

Almost exactly the same!
Tang Tang saw the golden beans tied up by five flowers, and sighed: "Old Patriarch Ming, I took the liberty to come to you today to save my friend. He is still young and has an unlimited future. How can he be buried with you? You have done a lot of evil all your life. Before you die, at least accumulate some virtue, and don’t harm others.”

Back then, Tang Tang started to make his mark in the music industry under the name of Ms. S.

As her fame increased, she gradually discovered that there seemed to be a force that was tirelessly looking for her traces, and even launched several assassinations.

Tang Tang couldn't bear it anymore, so she simply used this year's concert as a bait to attract the people who chased her.

In the end, after a follow-up investigation, it turned out that the old Patriarch Ming wanted to kill her.
This old man is so lazy.
"You are Menghua's granddaughter." The old Patriarch Ming stared greedily at Tang Tang's face. At that moment, it seemed that fresh life was injected into his old blood vessels, bringing vigorous vitality.

The old Patriarch Ming seemed to see the young Ruan Menghua, returning to him again.

Tang Tang smiled: "Yes, Ruan Menghua is my grandma, Gu Shen is my grandfather, Gu Yanting is my father - I am still young, and I have a partner, I don't want to be buried with the bad old man."

Tang Tang installed a bug on Jindou.

He heard all the words of the old Patriarch Ming.

Tang Tang felt chills in his heart, this Ming old Patriarch is really a full-fledged old pervert. Ruan Menghua met this kind of man back then, it was simply unlucky for eight lifetimes.

Over there, Jin Dou was in a daze.

——I, Brother Gu, is not only a woman, but also the only daughter of the Gu family?

Jin Dou was shocked, and vaguely remembered that he once criticized the daughter of the Gu family as an idiot in front of Brother Gu.
Jin Dou hugged her small arms silently, my mouth.
Tang Tang walked up to Jindou in a dignified way, and grabbed Jindou's arm: "I wronged you tonight, I will make it up to you later."

The corners of Jin Dou's mouth twitched, and he smiled coquettishly: "Brother Gu, oh no, sister, I am not wronged, I am not wronged"

I just hope you forget my criticism of "Gu Jiaqianjin" back then.

"You sent it to the door yourself, how could I let you go." How could the old Patriarch Ming let Tang Tang go, madness flashed in his eyes, and he began to speak nonsense, "You must be the reincarnation of Menghua, yes, you must be Menghua's reincarnation. Your musical talent, appearance, and temperament are exactly the same as Menghua's, so you must be her reincarnation!"

The old Patriarch of the Ming Dynasty was already going crazy.

Ruan Menghua died a long time ago, but he was still tortured by Ruan Menghua in his memory all his life.

Love can't get it, it makes people crazy.

The old Patriarch Ming said frantically: "Catch her! Don't hurt her!"

Tang Tang grabbed Jindou and quickly ran out of the hall.

The bleak cold wind outside the house poured into the collar, the sky was dark, and a cold moon hung in the sky.The bodyguards in the yard rushed up and blocked the way of Tang Tang and Jindou.

The old master of the Ming Dynasty said that Tang Tang could not be hurt, and the bodyguards had to put down their weapons and wanted to capture him alive.

Jin Dou panicked: "Brother Gu, why don't you run away first! There are so many people here, you are still young, you can't be buried with the bad old man, woo woo woo, give me up. Remember to bring my body back In the village, I will be buried under the peach blossom tree on the road to the next village, I hope the little fat girl will come back one day—"

Tang Tang glared at him: "Shut up! I dare to come alone, of course I have backup!"

Jin Dou closed his mouth aggrieved.

The next moment, the bodyguards who blocked Tang Tang were repelled one by one.Tang Tang's bodyguard Wang Xiaogui rushed in fully armed, and Wang Xiaogui kicked the person blocking the way: "Miss, the rescue team sent by the royal family is still 5 minutes away. What are you going to do tonight?"

Tang Tang raised the corners of his mouth: "Catch the old Patriarch Ming alive and give it to my dad as a birthday present."

The Ming family and the Gu family have been entangled in grievances for decades, and if they can catch the old Patriarch of the Ming, the two families will definitely make waves.As for how to deal with the situation, leave it to her father.

Gu Yanting's hatred for the old Patriarch Ming is more than a little bit.

Wang Xiaogui calmly said: "Yes! You evacuate first, leave this place to me!"

Tang Tang grabbed Jindou who was still in a daze, quickly rushed away from the bodyguard group, and ran towards the gate.

Master Ming saw that things were out of control, so he gritted his teeth and gave the death order. Anyway, people are going to die, and it doesn't matter whether Tang Tang lives or dies.So as soon as Tang Tang ran to the gate, he saw two strong bodyguards in black blocking Tang Tang's way, holding a black gun in his hand, ready to kill Tang Tang.

Tang Tang narrowed his eyes.

Jindou trembled.

Tang Tang moved his wrists, preparing for a tough battle.Unexpectedly, the next moment there was a sound of breaking wind in the air, two muffled gunshots, and the back of the head of the bodyguard blocking the way/bloomed/bloomed, his eyes widened and he fell to the ground.

Someone sniped them.

In the dim moonlight, Tang Tang saw a dark car parked at the gate, and Fu Jingan was leaning against the car with a black sniper rifle.

He waved to Tang Tang.

The smile is warm.

(End of this chapter)

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