Chapter 925 His Majesty the Emperor Was Assassinated (1)

Tang Tang dragged Jindou and ran over, stuffed Jindou into the car, turned around and said, "Fu Jingan, you did a good job."

Fu Jingan raised the corner of his mouth, lowered his head and kissed the corner of Tang Tang's mouth.

Warm hot hot.

Fu Jingan said, "I'm handsome."

Tang Tang's heart was warm, and he couldn't help laughing: "Handsome, handsome, the most handsome in the world."

This was the first time she had seen the other side of Fu Jingan intuitively. He mentioned that he had trained in the army before, but Tang Tang thought it was a joke at the time.

Now he shows up with a sniper rifle, and his marksmanship is very handsome.

"The heater in my room is broken tonight. I'll go to your room to warm up the heater, okay?" Fu Jingan vividly demonstrated what it means to push an inch, like a big wolf dog leaning over to claim credit.

Tang Tang rolled her eyes and dragged Fu Jingan into the car.

"You must bring enough people tonight. I want to capture the old man of the Ming family alive." Tang Tang asked Fu Jingan, "How many people did you bring?"

The old man of the Ming family was very scheming, and there were at least fifty bodyguards around him when he went out, and each of them had extraordinary skills.In order to catch this old man under heavy protection, more manpower must be mobilized.

Fu Jingan counted with his fingers: "You have 20 people, and I have a bodyguard team brought out by the army, which can barely surround the old dog of the Ming family. But we still have a helping hand. With him, we will definitely be able to capture the old man alive. "

Detective Tang: "Royal?"

Fu Jingan unbuttoned a small silver button on his chest: "Yes, the emperor of Yinlun Kingdom showed great interest when he learned that we were going to arrest the old man of the Ming family. He directly transferred the royal guards. Not even a fly can fly out."

Tang Tang was taken aback, the Royal Guard!
This is the top guard team in the Yinlun Kingdom's palace, and each of them is one of the best in a hundred.Even if the emperor of Yinlun Kingdom wanted to sell favors to the Gu family and the Fu family, he wouldn't have to take out his bodyguards.

It's like peeling an apple with a sharp dragon knife, which is overkill.

What the hell is Keane planning?
Fu Jingan continued: "Also, the emperor personally went to the scene to direct the arrest."

Tang Tang was full of question marks.

And not far from the private estate, several black bulletproof cars were parked.

From time to time, members of the Royal Guard stepped forward and whispered the latest battle situation to His Majesty the Emperor in the car in the middle.

"Report, the road down the mountain has been cut off."

"Temporarily cut off the network in this part of the mountain area. At present, 78 opponents have been identified, and 34 have been arrested."

"Report, Patriarch Ming asked to talk to you."

At night, the wind in the mountainous area of ​​the villa is very cold, the car windows are opened, and the biting wind blows in.His majesty the handsome emperor gathered his black coat and calmly listened to his subordinates' reports.

Sitting next to Keane was his little brother Snow.

Xue Nuo's eyebrows and eyes were already a little impatient, and he looked out the window at the dark night from time to time, and finally found a copy of "1000 Cases of Chinese Cooking Dishes" from the carriage.

He is often taken by his brother to various occasions, and he sits in his car every now and then. As time goes by, there are many recipes that Xue Nuo likes in the car.

From the stewed eggplant, shredded pork with silver sprouts, and diced Kung Pao chicken, he saw the white fried shredded pork, spicy tofu, and salt-and-pepper octopus behind him, and there was no sign of the car moving.

Xue Nuo was a little impatient, and closed the menu: "Brother, I still have work tomorrow. What are you bringing me to this wilderness?"

(End of this chapter)

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