Chapter 934 Composition to Ms. S (2)

Jin Dou cheered happily, and sneaked into the bedroom.

Tang Tang and Fu Jingan waited downstairs for half an hour before Jindou came out after changing his clothes.Tang Tang glanced casually, and was stunned. Is this kid going to walk the red carpet today?

Wearing a neat little black suit, with a silver musical note brooch pinned to his chest, the red hair has been sprayed with a lot of hairspray, and he has a fairly handsome hairstyle, and even a little makeup on his face.The whole person looks like his temperament has been sublimated by more than one level, and he has a sense of sight of a glamorous little prince.

In addition to the eye-catching clothes, Jin Dou also brought his precious erhu, obviously wanting to play a little song in front of Ms. S, eager to get Ms. S's comments.

"If it wasn't for the lack of time, I still want to bathe and burn incense for three days to get rid of the stale air on my body before I dare to meet Ms. S." In the car, Jin Dou was still not satisfied with her gorgeous appearance.

Tang Tang: "Ms. S should not be so particular."

Jin Dou immediately retorted: "Sister Tang, you are not Ms. S, you don't understand Ms. S! In my heart, Ms. S is a noble and pure fairy, she is the reincarnation of a muse! She must be an old lady who thinks elegant and charming. Mrs!"

Tang Tang:.
The car drove slowly, and Jin Dou expressed his admiration for Ms. S in the car.

Even Jindou took out two old A4 papers, which were filled with words.Tang Tang felt curious: "What is this? You wrote it?"

Jin Dou nodded: "This is the [-]-character essay I wrote when I was in high school, and got the highest score in the village. I'm going to give this essay to Ms. S."

Tang Tang: You don't have to.
Jin Dou opened the A4 paper and enthusiastically recited his composition to Tang Tang: "This is the named composition for the final exam of high school, and the title is - the person I admire the most."

Tang Tang suddenly had a bad feeling.

Jin Dou opened the old works of the year, and thought of meeting the great god idol in the music world. He was filled with emotions for a while, and immediately recited the article he wrote in the car:

"In "How Steel Was Tempered", the author said: A person's life should be spent in this way - when he looks back on the past, he will not regret for wasting his years, nor will he be ashamed for doing nothing! In my heart, the person I admire the most, her life is magnificent, and her limited years are colorfully interpreted - she is the reincarnation of the muse, she is the light of my music, she is the goddess of my dreams, she is a kind-hearted woman old lady.

She is the person I admire the most - Ms. S!

Lu Xun said, in fact, there is no road in the world, and a road becomes a road when there are many people walking. Ms. S chose to go back to the great path of classical music, which perfectly blends classical music and modern music."

Tang Tang:.
If I'm wrong, the law can punish me instead of Jindou reading the dreaded little composition in person!
Fu Jingan couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Tang Tang scratched the floor with his toes awkwardly, digging out a fairy castle.This child, who didn't know it, thought that Ms. S had passed away for many years. This is a commemorative manuscript written by Jin Dou.

"Brother Fu, don't laugh. I wrote this composition with all my heart. I got 60 points out of 55! The first paragraph quoted famous quotes, and the teacher praised me for writing well!" Seeing Fu Jingan smiling, Jin Dou felt His own level was humiliated, and he angrily explained to himself.

Fu Jingan smiled: "Who told you that Ms. S is an old lady?"

Jin Dou pursed her lips, holding two pieces of paper and said, "Isn't she an old lady, is she still Brother Fu's wife, hmph."

Fu Jingan smiled and said, "That's right, Ms. S is my wife."

(End of this chapter)

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