Chapter 935
Jin Dou rolled his eyes almost to the sky!
Bragging is not a draft!

"Brother Fu, why don't you say that Ms. S is Miss Tang?" Jin Dou retorted.

Fu Jingan took Tang Tang's arm: "Actually, my Tang Tang is Ms. S."

Jin Dou smiled, took out his phone and shook it: "If Sister Tang is Ms. S, I will eat this phone right away!"

You have to have a degree of joking, it is impossible for Ms. S to be a girl under 20 years old.

No longer arguing with Fu Jingan, Jin Dou carefully folded her little composition and put it back in her pocket for safekeeping.

When he sees Ms. S later, he must personally hand over this composition to her!

The car stopped outside a remote garden in the suburbs.

The members of the Wilde family waited at the door, and after confirming that their identities were correct, they put Tang Tang, Fu Jing'an, and Jin Dou in.Nilu participated in the kidnapping of Ms. S before, the old Patriarch Ming was taken away, and Nilu was temporarily detained here.

The small yard is quiet and a bit bleak.

Tang Tang met Nilu here.

In just a few days, Nilu seemed to have aged several decades.Her original glamorous appearance was covered up by layers of lifelessness. Without makeup, she revealed a rough face with red sores. She also lost a lot of hair, revealing a bald scalp.

Jin Dou was terrified.

Is this still the glamorous and famous musician Nilu?
Nilu was locked in a small room, and she was cleaning a violin with her head down. When she heard the movement outside the room, Nilu slowly raised her head.Seeing Tang Tang, Nilu couldn't help frowning.

"Are you the girl who rescued Ms. S that night?" Nilu walked over and looked Tang Tang up and down.

Tang Tang raised Erlang's legs and sat on the chair.

It is separated from Nilu by a tempered glass wall.

Tang Tang asked: "I rescued you from the abyss, is that what you did to me?"

Nilu quieted down.

There was a brief silence around.Only Jin Dou was still looking around, wanting to know where his beloved Ms. S was. The yard was secluded and there was no old lady in sight. Where is Ms. S?
Nilu stood by the glass wall, pressed her hands on the glass, and carefully looked at Tang Tang who was close at hand.His brows slowly raised, as if he had discovered a new continent, and he suddenly laughed out loud:
"I know you are very young, but I didn't expect you to be so young. Have you turned 20? No wonder you didn't want to show up a few years ago. It turned out that you were a child and couldn't show up."

No wonder Ms. S was reluctant to show up in the early years.

Just because she was still a child at the time, who would have believed that the brat was actually the world-renowned Ms. S?

She didn't go to the orchestra occasionally until Tang Tang grew up and grew taller.

Tang Tang: "My age is not important. I discovered your talent back then, taught you music myself, and made you become a leading violinist step by step. But what did you do to me? Join the Ming family and dig a hole for me. You want my life."

This is the most difficult thing for Tang Tang to understand. She treats every member of the band with all her heart and soul, but Ke Nilu betrayed her!
Super angry!

The golden bean over there was already stunned and weathered in place.

Brain tissue is remodeling.

The three views are being restructured.

What. Ms. S is actually my sugar sister?

Tang Tang brought Jin Dou too many surprises—she is not only Gu Ge who can fight and resist, but also the wealthy Miss Gu family, and the old lady that Jin Dou misses day and night, oh no, a goddess!

No wonder, Tang Tang was able to pass on music knowledge to everyone in the Bock Academy at that time!It turns out that she herself is a legendary master!

While excited, Jin Dou panicked when he thought of the "old lady" that he had been talking about before.

Will Tang Tang be angry?No, Jindou's eyeballs are rolling around, and he must restore his image in Ms. S's heart as soon as possible!
As for how to restore the image, start by protecting Ms. S!
(End of this chapter)

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