Chapter 936 She is Ms. S!

Nilu leaned against the glass wall, her eyes were full of jealousy and envy, but her voice was a little aggrieved: "Don't blame me, I used to be very grateful to you, and I regarded you as my idol from the bottom of my heart. But, I don't live long Already. You brought me out of the darkness and showed me the widest stage and the richest crowd in the world, and I am always grateful to you.

But I don't live long, I got a disease that can't be cured, and my life expectancy is numbered.My hair was falling out every day, my face was covered in red sores, and it took three hours of makeup to hide my ugliness.The Ming family has a spiritual spring that prolongs life, I need it to heal—”

Tang Tang listened for a while and stood up: "You were expelled from the orchestra. Whether you live or die in the future has nothing to do with me."

Nilu, who is speaking generously to show how miserable she is: "."

The next moment, Nilu said frantically: "I'm sick! I'm going to die! Why can't you give me some support and encouragement? Why do you abandon me? I need a lot of money for surgery! I'm the principal violinist of the orchestra, you If you fire me, can your band still operate?"

Tang Tang smiled: "There are many violin geniuses in the world. After you leave, there are many people who will replace you."

For more than ten years, Tang Tang has spent a lot of effort in running his own orchestra, treating every member of the orchestra as a relative.

In the end, Nilu asked Ms. S to die in order to survive.

Tang Tang doesn't raise this kind of white-eyed wolf.

It was her mercy that Nilu was not sent to prison.

Seeing that Tang Tang was about to leave, Nilu became anxious for a moment, and said angrily: "Ms. S, don't leave! I really need money for surgery, you can't just watch me die, why can't you save me a second time? You With so much money, why can't you give me some medical treatment, you are too heartless."

Tang Tang:.
Jin Dou over there suddenly opened his mouth, taunting Nilu with a small mouth, standing on the commanding heights to defend Ms. S's personality: "You are so shameless, Ms. S is not doing charity anymore, what does she have to do with you? Don't Is it okay to kidnap morally casually, how big a person is, and his skin is thicker than a city wall."

Nilu was very angry: "Where is the child, shut up! You are not terminally ill—"

"You have been famous for many years, and you have held solo concerts. You must be worth tens of millions." Jin Dou said disdainfully, "I have money, but I still want to bully Ms. S. Why don't you go to heaven if you are so awesome. Ms. S is young Beautiful and talented, you dumped you dozens of dimensions, and you still have money to cheat her? You were a porcelain in your previous life, so you know how to touch porcelain."

Nilu is a genius cultivated by Ms. S, and she is quite famous.

She attends a party, plays a song, and earns at least a million dollars.

But Nilu herself was a spendthrift. She was a dancer on the street and had no money to buy jewelry.Later, when she became rich, Nilu indulged in drinking and shopping, and the money seemed to flow out.Irregular work and rest all year round, she finally got sick, and it was too late to get treatment, and she didn't have enough money for surgery.

"Come on, great Ms. S, let's go, don't talk to this kind of stupid X." Jin Dou took Tang Tang's arm and took her away from here.

Nilu in the glass wall was still yelling unwillingly, telling Ms. S to stay.

Only then did she feel a trace of regret in her heart.

It's a pity it's too late.

The sun is shining brightly outside the yard, and the breath of spring has stained the country.Jin Dou dragged Tang Tang out of the yard door, suddenly stopped, turned his head and looked over with piercing eyes, and took out two pieces of paper in his pocket:
"Ms. S! I, I want to read my composition to you in front of you!"

 The following plots are basically Ming Sichen's home game~~
  Aww, the villain and the hero are robbing Tangtang~ rubbing claws excitedly

(End of this chapter)

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