Chapter 937 Hacker Leaderboard

"When I was very young, I admired Ms. S very much. Every composition I wrote in junior high school and high school contained the shadow of Ms. S!"

Jin Dou almost jumped up excitedly.

In Jindou's heart, Ms. S is as famous as Lu Xun, Edison, and Leo Tolstoy, and she is the source of inspiration for his famous sayings in his writing.

Tang Tang: You don't have to.
Being read a small composition face to face is comparable to a public execution.

Tang Tang gave Fu Jingan a look of asking for help, and Fu Jingan immediately understood.Jin Dou cleared his throat and was about to start reciting the composition when his mouth was suddenly covered.

Fu Jingan covered Jin Dou's mouth, dragged him aside, and handed him over to his bodyguard Lao Si and Fatty: "Get him away."

Fatty: "Okay!"

Jindou: "Woooooooooooo!!!"

You idiots, let me go!
I want to express my admiration to the great Ms. S!

I want to be a fan and believer of Ms. S!

Don't stop me!
After a lot of tossing, he finally calmed down.Jin Dou was imprisoned by the fourth child in the back car, Tang Tang and Fu Jingan were sitting in the front car, Tang Tang's bodyguard Wang Xiaogui was driving, and Fatty was sitting in the co-pilot eating chicken legs.

The fat man remembered how Jin Dou was screaming just now, and clicked his tongue: "Boss, Jin Dou is so skinny, just now I was dragging him like I was dragging a little girl, haha."

Thinking of Jindou's pitiful look with red eye circles, the fat man rubbed his fingers.

This kid has a slippery face, tenderer than tofu.

For some reason, Fatty thought of his first love girlfriend whom Zeng Jing had glimpsed.His first love is now about the same age as Jin Dou.

The fat man planned to ask Fu Jingan for leave after a while, and go back to the village to find his cute little first love.

The car runs smoothly.

Tang Tang sent a message to the orchestra, announcing the decision to expel Nilu.He also logged into Ms. S's social account and stated in a concise manner that Nilu would be fired.

The band members went crazy and sent messages one after another to inquire about the situation.

Tang Tang only replied with four words: [She betrayed me. 】

The band members fell silent for a moment.

After all, they are friends who have known each other for many years. Everyone in the band knows that Nilu loves vanity, likes money, and her private life is extremely chaotic. Ms. S was always turning a blind eye because of her old relationship.

I'm afraid Nilu will cause another disaster, that's why she angered Ms. S.The members chose to remain silent and respect Ms. S's decision.

In their hearts, Ms. S is like a god.

As for how much sensation it caused in the music industry, this is not Tang Tang's concern.The car drove extremely slowly, the road ahead was suddenly blocked, Tang Tang yawned.

Fu Jing'an patted his knee and motioned Tang Tang to lie down and rest.Tang Tang lay down lazily, and asked Fu Jingan: "When did you let the fat man come back from the Berk Islands?"

Fu Jingan played with Tang Tang's hair with his fingers, and said casually: "He is a top hacker. Recently, when the family interrogated Bai Xue, they dug up a lot of old things. I asked the fat man to come back and use technological means to investigate the old things."

When they were in the Bock Academy, Fu Jingan and Fatty were both from the School of Computer Science.

Computer experts generally use hacking methods.

Tang Tang looked at the back of the fat man's round head: "He is actually a top hacker."

It doesn't look like it.

The fat man in the front row who gnawed on the chicken legs pricked up his ears, and hurriedly showed off his worth: "Sister-in-law, don't look at me as fat, every catty of flesh on my body is not for nothing. Fat man, I am No.3 on the world's hacker list! Shocked Fat of the hacker world!"

(End of this chapter)

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