Chapter 947 You Are Really Rich
Let's use simple words as an example: If the Royal Research Institute wants to send apples, the first one must be given to the royal family of Yinlun Kingdom, and the second one must be given to the Gu family.If the Gu family does not want this batch of apples, other competitors will have a chance to get them.

The dean was silent for a while.

He cast a questioning look at Prince Snow.

Xue Nuo cleared his throat and told Tang Tang: "Scientific research results are not children's play after all—"

Tang Tang smiled slightly: "My private property can buy the entire Royal Academy."

The dean gasped.

so rich
Xue Nuo was dazzled by Tang Tang's bright smile, touched the bridge of his nose, and thought to himself, I haven't seen her for more than ten years, but she looks more and more beautiful, but her personality has not changed.

"Dean, let's forget it." Charlotte's mouth trembled slightly, and she continued to sell miserably.The hatred for Tang Tang in my heart has risen to a new height. Everyone is a daughter of a famous family. Why is this Tang Tang so lucky?

There are tens of thousands of big families in the world, and there are also many royal princesses.

But the daughters of other families are just embellishments of the famous families. They seem to live a wealthy life, but they are actually just tools for the marriage of the rich.Only this daughter of the Gu family truly possesses real power and staggering wealth.

Charlotte almost bites the corner of her mouth to bleed
"Okay, I'll bet you!" The dean obviously had great trust in Charlotte.Charlotte was the girl he watched growing up, and the dean watched Charlotte complete one research after another with her own eyes, handing over beautiful transcripts.

The dean still remembered that a few years ago, the spores cultivated by Charlotte for a year died due to temperature problems, and Charlotte cried into tears.

How can a child who loves science so much destroy the new type of samples collected so hard for personal grievances?

Tang Tang raised the corner of his mouth: "Okay, there are witnesses at the scene. Prince Xue Nuo, I hope that you will not deny this bet in order to protect your sister."

Xue Nuo quite liked seeing Tang Tang's sly look, like a little fox.

Xue Nuo nodded: "I am the interim monarch of Yinlun Kingdom, and I will not favor anyone."

With Xue Nuo's words, Tang Tang felt relieved: "Brother Xiaogui, go and get a computer."

Wang Xiaogui hurried to get the computer.

The assistant in black who was following Charlotte's expression changed, staring at Tang Tang's clothes, and suddenly realized something, the assistant in black took two steps back and wanted to leave.

"Wait, don't move everyone. Charlotte, look after your lab assistant. Why is he running at such a face-slapping moment?" Tang Tang's eyes were sharp, and he spoke immediately.

The bodyguard brought by Gu Yanting immediately stopped the assistant in black.

Charlotte frowned slightly, and glanced at her laboratory assistant dissatisfied.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were on this unremarkable male assistant. He was not tall, and he looked thin and white. His appearance was extremely ordinary, and almost no one noticed him in the crowd.

"I, I just want to go to the toilet suddenly." The assistant in black said awkwardly, his voice trembling even slightly.

The black-clothed assistant tried her best to wink at Charlotte, but Charlotte was so confident that she didn't notice the sweat on the black-clothed assistant's forehead.

"Want to go to the toilet? Hold on first." Tang Tang said lightly.

The black-clothed assistant instantly broke out in cold sweat.

For a moment, the assistant in black felt that he had been seen through by Tang Tang.But this daughter of the Gu family, everyone said that she was just a rich and savage idiot, how could she be so smart?
Soon, Wang Xiaogui came over with a laptop.

(End of this chapter)

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