Chapter 948 Light some wax for Fu Jingan.
The dean looked at Tang Tang's weird behavior, and couldn't help but mocked: "Miss Gu, don't delay any longer. Facts are facts, no matter how much you argue, you can't change your bad behavior."

Tang Tang didn't say a word, and casually took off a small shell button on his clothes and handed it to Wang Xiaogui.

Wang Xiaogui took the shell button and quickly tapped the keyboard on the laptop.

Tang Tang said with a smile: "I have an advantage, that is, I don't trust strangers—especially strangers who have been in tea before. My mother once said: No matter how disguised a green tea is, it can't cover her body. of tea.

So, I'll keep some electronics with me.For example, this shell button on my suit looks like a button, but it is actually a small video camera.What's more, everything that happened in Charlotte's laboratory was recorded by the camera. "

As soon as these words came out, the audience fell into silence.

Only Gu Yanting showed a gratified smile, as expected of my own daughter, just like her father!All smart!

Charlotte's expression suddenly became tense, her eyes were unpredictable, and a very bad feeling filled her heart.She subconsciously looked at the assistant in black, who shook her head silently.

Charlotte, who had been calm all this time, panicked.

"Miss, the video has been adjusted." Wang Xiaogui adjusted the video and connected it to the big screen next to him.

Tang Tang smiled slightly: "Let it be seen by the scientists of the Royal Academy."

Wang Xiaogui: "Okay."

The video starts to play, this is the most advanced pinhole camera, and the shooting picture is extremely clear.As the camera shakes, everyone sees Charlotte appearing in the camera.

The first picture that appeared was at the academic exchange meeting.At that time, Tang Tang was drinking fruit juice bored in the corner, and Charlotte suddenly came over to strike up a conversation.

Charlotte said: [No matter who you are, to tell you the truth, I also like Fu Jingan very much.As long as you and Fu Jingan are not married, I will never give up pursuing him. 】

Tang Tang: 【When did you fall in love with Fu Jingan? 】

Charlotte: [About seven or eight years ago. But don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who plays tricks]

Tang Tang stared round her eyes, and quickly said to Wang Xiaogui: "Brother Xiaogui! There is no need to play this part! Start with the part in the laboratory!!"

I was so obedient, I was so focused on slapping my face, I forgot that the camera had recorded her previous conversation with Charlotte!
Isn't this telling dad clearly that she and Fu Jing'an are having an affair!

Tang Tang suddenly looked back at his father.

Gu Yanting's black eyes were full of black, and he couldn't see any unnecessary expressions. He even calmly rubbed the expensive watch on his wrist, and concentrated on watching the recorded video.

Tang Tang silently lit a candle for Fu Jingan
Wang Xiaogui accelerated the video and adjusted it to the section in the laboratory.In the video screen:

Charlotte kindly brought Tang Tang into the laboratory, and handed over a glass test tube: [This is a new type of microorganism that I have devoted two years to discover. It is placed in a special solution, and there is only one tube in the world. 】

Tang Tang: [You don't need to show me this, I can't understand it anyway. 】

The next moment, Charlotte in the video smiled slightly, let go of her fingers, and the glass test tube fell to the ground.

Charlotte's expression changed suddenly: [Miss Tang Tang!Even if you are dissatisfied with me, you can't destroy the research results of my two years of hard work! 】

The siren sounded, and the other researchers of the Royal Academy were alarmed in a short while.

You don't need to look at the monitoring screen at the back.

Wang Xiaogui closed the computer, and there was a dead silence around him.

 Gu Yanting: Start sharpening the knife.

  Fu Jingan:
(End of this chapter)

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