Chapter 951 What a cute little fairy!
Then, Tang Tang told the researchers over there with a smile: "Uncle scientists, in fact, I have something wrong. To express my apology, I decided to donate a sum of money to the Royal Research Institute as an incentive bonus. For new research results, you can get a bonus from me, starting with 5 million."

There is no one who does not love money, even scientists who do not seek fame and fortune, still want to make money to eat.

Tang Tang has always done an excellent job in controlling people's hearts.She can control the hearts of the students at the Berk Institute, and here she can also make the researchers look at her with admiration.

Seeing that Tang Tang actually offered to set up a reward fund, the scientists looked at each other, and then showed bright smiles one by one.

5 million ah!

Bonuses are higher than what the royal family offers!

"Miss Tang Tang is too polite!"

"I will release my results at the World Congress of Biology in a few days, and I can also get a 5 million prize from Miss Tang Tang, which is great."

"As expected of the daughter of the Gu family, she is beautiful and kind."

"I thought you were unruly and willful just now, but now that I think about it, I'm really too arbitrary."

How much the researchers hated Tang Tang just now, how much they appreciate this rich daughter now.

Rich, kind, no grudges!

What a cute little fairy!
Only Charlotte held back the complaints in her heart, you stupid straight male scientists, don't you know how to calculate with your brain?According to the betting agreement between Tang Tang and the dean, your new research results will be given to the Gu family at a low price in the end!
The huge profits that the Gu family obtained from the research results are more than a mere 5 million!You only see the 5 million bonus, don't you see how much you lost?
You stupid straight men!
She was so angry that she was dying, but Charlotte had to maintain her goddess personality on the face.

Today's farce ended with Tang Tang's victory.The researchers went back to do experiments and research.Charlotte took a deep breath, and said to Tang Tang with a smile: "Miss Tang Tang, I'm going to the hospital to visit the dean first, let's leave now."

Tang Tang smiled purely, and her voice was very low and low: "Go early and come back early, sister Charlotte. If you dare to mess with me next time, I will completely ruin your reputation."

The most obedient expression, said the most ruthless words.

Stepping on high heels, he turned his head and walked away.

And Gu Yanting and Xue Nuo have already left, continuing to discuss unfinished cooperation.It is estimated that the lawyer's new "most favorable" agreement will be discussed in detail. Tang Tang helped the Gu family obtain huge business opportunities today. With Gu Yanting's character, this agreement will definitely be carried out smoothly.

Everyone got separated, the smile on Tang Tang's face dissipated in an instant, and Wang Xiaogui was attracted: "Let's go back to the hotel quickly, I have to take a shower and change clothes."

Wang Xiaogui: "Good!"

After a pause, Tang Tang said again: "Let Xiao Fu go to investigate a detailed information about Charlotte and Charlotte's parents, the more detailed the better. And the assistant in black next to Charlotte, his Give me a copy of the information too."

Tang Tang paid special attention to this assistant researcher in black today.

His appearance is not good, but his IQ is very high.

He was the first and only person in the audience to notice something wrong with Tang Tang's clothes, and he secretly observed the shell buttons on Tang Tang's clothes several times.

Tang Tang's shell button has a unique shape and is a device carefully crafted by Wang Xiaofu. Most people would never think that the shell button is a small camera.But the assistant in black noticed it, and even planned to fight back.

(End of this chapter)

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