Chapter 952 Poisoning?

Fortunately, Tang Tang asked someone to stop the black-clothed assistant, otherwise today's situation might change.

A person who is as careful as a needle and can spy out the shell button camera is just an ordinary assistant researcher?His identity is definitely not simple.

"Okay, let's go back to the hotel quickly. I hope Fu Jing'an can live to see the sun tomorrow." Tang Tang was very worried.

The crisis was resolved today, and her relationship with Fu Jingan was inadvertently exposed.

Dad looked calm.

Tang Tang knew that this was the calm before the storm.

Tang Tang hurried back to the hotel, wanting Fu Jingan to quickly find a place to hide.But was told by the tearful fat man that Fu Jingan had been politely "invited" away by Gu Yanting.

Where "please" goes is unknown.

The fat man was very worried, and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes: "Sister-in-law, will Patriarch Gu kill our boss?"

Tang Tang pondered for a moment: "No."

The fat man breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang Tang said: "The leg is broken at most."

Fatty:! ! !
Tang Tang didn't want to expose her and Fu Jingan's affairs so early, but by mistake, it was leaked by a surveillance video.Although Gu Yanting didn't have an attack at the time, Fu Jingan was tied up in the blink of an eye.
Hiss, poor Fu Jingan.

Tang Tang returned to the suite and was about to take a bath and change clothes.The little Chinese doctor yawned and walked out of the bedroom, touched an egg yolk cake from the coffee table to eat, suddenly stopped, and looked suspiciously at Tang Tang next to him: "Wait, don't move around."

Tang Tang froze when he entered the bathroom.

I saw the little Chinese doctor walking over quickly, and his originally loose eyes suddenly became dignified.The little Chinese doctor's small nose moved, and he sniffed carefully in front of Tang Tang.

Grabbed Tang Tang's small white suit and sniffed it gently.

"I went to the scientific exchange meeting today and changed my clothes." Seeing the strange behavior of the little Chinese doctor, Tang Tang quickly explained.

The little Chinese doctor calmly said, "Don't talk."

Tang Tang closed his mouth tactfully and asked the little Chinese doctor to continue the investigation.

The little Chinese doctor sniffed for a while like a kitten, then stopped, and grabbed Tang Tang's wrist to feel the pulse. After a while, he found paper and pen, wrote a string of strange Chinese medicine names, and handed them to Tang Tang Wang Xiaogui, his bodyguard: "Catch these medicines within an hour."

Her tone was very serious, Wang Xiaogui looked to Tang Tang for advice.

Tang Tang nodded: "Listen to the little Chinese doctor."

Wang Xiaogui went out immediately.

The little Chinese doctor turned to Tang Tang and said, "Hurry up and change your clothes - a small amount of poison has been put on your clothes, which is a very rare microbial solution. Although this drug is not fatal, it will stand on the skin for more than five Hours, it will cause skin ulceration, which is simply disfigurement.

After a while, Wang Xiaogui grabbed the medicine back, soaked the medicine in water, and took a bath for half an hour. "

After a pause, the little Chinese doctor asked suspiciously: "Have you hugged anyone today? This kind of solution poison can only be sprayed at close range. If I didn't find out, you will be directly disfigured in the future, which is irreversible."

Microbial solution?
Tang Tang immediately remembered the hug she had with Charlotte.

At that time, in order to disgust Charlotte, Tang Tang deliberately made "tea" from "tea", but he didn't expect Charlotte to poison Tang Tang at that time.


This woman is really cruel.

Tang Tang squinted his eyes, and the malice in his heart rapidly expanded.

"I know, I will find a way to deal with the person who poisoned me." Tang Tang took off his suit jacket, "Little Chinese doctor, you also touched the microbial solution just now, be careful to be infected by me."

(End of this chapter)

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