Chapter 957 The days without Fu Jingan are really boring
Tang Tang rummaged through the interview videos of Charlotte's life, as long as she attended public occasions, Charlotte would wear this pair of earrings.At another scientist forum meeting, Charlotte accidentally dropped one of her earrings. Charlotte immediately excused herself from feeling unwell and left sickly.

"My brother analyzed it with a professional instrument. These earrings are not ordinary pearl earrings, and the weight is wrong." Wang Xiaogui explained to Tang Tang, "A pearl with a diameter of 14mm will cause ordinary pulling force to the ear. But this one by Charlotte Pearl earrings, obviously weigh more than ordinary pearls, and form a stronger pulling force on the ear."

It's not like wearing two pearl earrings, but more like wearing two small iron balls.

Tang Tang looked at the information and pondered for a moment: "So, this pair of pearl earrings may be some kind of modified small device—just like my shell button."

Wang Xiaogui nodded: "My brother also said so."

Wang Xiaogui is quite confident in his elder brother's abilities.

Wang Xiaogui continued: "The silver-rimmed glasses worn by Charlotte are not ordinary ladies' glasses, but modified mechanical glasses."

Charlotte's beautiful silver glasses are popular all over the country and have become a must-have for many intellectual women.

After all, in the hearts of Yinlun women, Charlotte is their role model.

Charlotte's dress will attract imitation trends, and her reputation far exceeds that of first-line female stars.

Who would have thought that the silver glasses she often wears are also devices similar to smartphones?There are WeChat sensors, cameras, computer processing equipment, GPS positioning systems, and displays on the glasses, which are extremely delicate.

Tang Tang continued to look through the information about pearl earrings and glasses, thoughtfully, a suspicion initially formed in his heart, and only waited for more evidence to be confirmed.

The fat man over there felt itchy when he heard Wang Xiaogui's words, so he came over curiously and peeked at the information on the computer.

The fat man blinked and blinked, staring at the photo on the computer for a long time, and suddenly said: "Sister-in-law, can you let me take a look at the last photo?"

Tang Tang paused and released the last photo of Charlotte.

In the computer photo: [Charlotte is wearing this gorgeous red dress and is talking with two gray-haired scientists].

The fat man pointed to the corner: "Sister-in-law, please enlarge this person."

Wang Xiaogui next to him complained, "You don't have hands?"

The fat man chuckled, Tang Tang didn't care about these small details, and zoomed in on the corner of the photo.On the sofa in the corner of the photo, a man in black was sitting.

The man looked ordinary and was out of place with the whole lively reception. There was a computer on the table, as if he was working on it.

This man is none other than Charlotte's laboratory assistant.

"Hiss, this kid looks familiar." The fat man stared at the laboratory assistant for a long time, then touched his three-layer fat chin, "Sister-in-law, do you know him?"

Tang Tang: "Charlotte's laboratory assistant is called Lin Xiaoping."

The fat man murmured, "Lin Xiaoping, I always feel like I've seen him somewhere."

Tang Tang was very interested in this assistant in black clothes. Before Charlotte framed her, only this assistant found that there was a problem with Tang Tang's shell buttons.But Wang Xiaogui was asked to investigate, and the information he finally got was very simple.

Lin Xiaoping is just an ordinary researcher. He graduated from the Department of Microbiology of a certain university in Yinlun Country. After graduation, he joined the Royal Research Institute as an assistant.He has a simple personality and is serious in his work. He is favored by Charlotte and enters Charlotte's laboratory as an assistant researcher.

An unremarkable experience, nothing unusual can be found at all.

But the more ordinary it is, the more strange Tang Tang feels.There are many more excellent researchers than Lin Xiaoping. Why would Charlotte, a genius who is so proud, choose the humble Lin Xiaoping as her assistant?

"Well, sister-in-law, I will investigate this Lin Xiaoping for you! Fatty, my intuition has always been very accurate, I must have seen this kid somewhere before!"

Tang Tang nodded: "Yes."

The fat man accepted the order with a smile, and happily ran out to do errands.Before leaving, he glanced at Wang Xiaogui provocatively, like an eunuch suddenly favored by the emperor.

Wang Xiaogui remained expressionless: "Silly X."

The sky outside the window was getting darker. Tang Tang yawned and prepared to go back to sleep after reading the investigation materials about Charlotte.Jin Dou was still watching a cruel TV series, and the trash basket next to the coffee table was filled with paper balls to wipe away tears.

Tang Tang was silent for a while, turned off the TV, and kicked Jindou back to the house to sleep.

Tang Tang investigated Charlotte while patiently waiting for Fu Jingan to come back.

On the first day, Fu Jingan didn't come back.

The next day, Fu Jingan still hadn't come back.

On the third day, Tang Tang called the fat man and the fourth child over: "Get ready for the funeral."

The fat man covered his mouth, trying not to cry.

Tang Tang still underestimated her father. She thought that if her father took Fu Jingan away, he would teach Fu Jingan back for at most two days.

But after waiting for three days, Fu Jingan still couldn't get through on the phone, and Tang Tang panicked.

Dad wouldn't kill Fu Jingan, right?
Anyway, Fu Jingan lived in Gu's family for a few years when he was a child, at least he has old love.

Tang Tang nervously called Gu Yanting. After the call was connected, Gu Yanting just said calmly: "Fu Jing'an is fine."

Tang Tang thought about Fu Jingan's countless ways to die, and said worriedly: "Since he is fine, Dad, can you bring Fu Jingan back? I miss him a little bit."

The phone was silent for a long time.

Gu Yanting said: "He will be released after a while."

Hang up the phone when you're done.

Tang Tang held the mobile phone, looking at the bright spring light outside the window, with mixed feelings for a while.How much does Dad have to say to Fu Jingan?How many days have you been talking about this, and it's not over?Could it be that these two are plotting to destroy the earth?

Tang Tang really missed Fu Jing'an a little bit.

If I don't see him for a day, my heart is always empty.

The meal was tasteless, and the investigation of Charlotte's true face didn't make her happy.

The days without Fu Jing'an are really boring.

Tang Tang went to knock on the door of the little doctor's room, but the door was unlocked. Tang Tang opened the door and said directly: "Little Chinese doctor, please give me Fu Jingyi's contact information. I want to call Brother Fu."

The little Chinese doctor was probably frightened by Tang Tang's sudden intrusion.

The small white porcelain bowl in his hand fell to the ground with a slap, and the bitter smell of Chinese medicine diffused instantly.

The little Chinese doctor's face was as pale as paper, and he sat on the side of the bed in panic, like a child who was about to do something bad but was caught, his eyes were slightly red.

Tang Tang moved her small nose, the strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine was so strong that it made people uncomfortable, and noticed the cold white sweating face of the little Chinese medicine doctor, Tang Tang wondered:
"You have locked yourself in your room these days, are you sick?"

The Chinese medicine that the little Chinese doctor is going to drink is really pungent.

 Regarding the plot of the little Chinese doctor and Fu Jingyi, I will discuss it in more detail later.There are a lot of foreshadowing in this chapter, hehe

(End of this chapter)

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