The group pet is three and a half years old: don't delay my mother's exam to Tsinghua Univ

Chapter 958 Not only afraid of marriage, but also afraid of childbearing

Chapter 958 Not only afraid of marriage, but also afraid of childbearing
The little Chinese doctor seemed to have all her strength removed, staring at the muddy Chinese medicine stains on the floor, her heart seemed to be grasped by invisible big hands.

Uncomfortable and helpless.

"I've been a bit stagnant recently, so I boiled some Chinese medicine myself." The little Chinese doctor quickly adjusted her expression to be impeccable, and no one could see her abnormality.

Tang Tang sat down by the bed: "Please give me Fu Jingyi's contact information, I want to chat with him. Fu Jingan hasn't come back recently, I'm worried about him."

But Tang Tang didn't have Fu Jingyi's private number and couldn't contact her.

After much deliberation, he could only find a small Chinese doctor who had a close relationship with Fu Jingyi.

The little Chinese doctor didn't directly give Tang Tang Fu Jingyi's contact information, but instead said, "Tangtang, you have to trust your father, he won't do anything to Fu Jingan."

Tang Tang shrugged and said helplessly: "My dad spoiled me a little too much. He always felt that he owed me a lot. Actually, to me, my dad never owed me anything."

Little Chinese doctor: "I owe you, why?"

Tang Tang sighed, and briefly told the little doctor about his childhood.

The experience between Tang Wanru and Gu Yanting back then was like a bloody love story.But fortunately, after going round and round, some lovers finally got married.

Tang Tang said: "My mother is young and doesn't know how to take care of children, and she often fights outside. My mother is the first time a mother, and then slowly began to pick up the burden of a mother. But I understand my mother, from a girl to a mother It’s not a one-off process.”

The little Chinese doctor fell into a strange silence.

The little Chinese doctor suddenly asked: "Did you miss your dad when you were young when you didn't have a dad?"

Tang Tang nodded: "Of course, other children have fathers, but I don't. Sometimes it's quite sad."

In this life, Tang Tang does not lack the love of his father. In his last life, he had a miserable life. His mother died young, and his father didn't know where he was.In her previous life, Tang Tang had only Aunt Wang, who survived a long childhood with difficulty, and struggled alone in university and society.

In the dead of night, I also feel bitter and uncomfortable, and I also envy others who have fathers, mothers and families.

The little Chinese doctor didn't speak for a long time.

In the end, Tang Tang still didn't give Fu Jingyi's contact information. The little doctor firmly believed that Fu Jingan would come back intact.Because Gu Yanting only has one daughter, Tang Tang, she will never take away the person Tang Tang likes.

Tang Tang was persuaded by the little Chinese doctor, so he had to temporarily give up the idea of ​​asking Fu Jingyi for help.Before leaving, Tang Tang saw that the trash can was full of medicine dregs, and brought them out: "You rest first, I will throw away the medicine dregs for you."

The little Chinese doctor shrank into the bed: "Thank you."

The door is closed, and the room is quiet.

The little Chinese doctor curled up in the bed, rubbed against the soft pillow, and let out a long and faint sigh.The past events between her and Fu Jingyi in these years were played over and over again in her mind, and she remembered the bowl of miscarriage medicine she didn't drink.

The little Chinese doctor never expected that she would have Fu Jingyi's child even though she had been hiding from the Fu family.

so annoying
The little Chinese doctor caressed her belly, she really didn't want to have a baby yet.

As a doctor, small Chinese medicine practitioners are most aware of the damage that childbirth can do to a woman's body.When her mother gave birth to her and her elder brother, she was seriously injured and had to rest in bed for a month before she could barely get out of bed.

Practicing medicine for many years, the little Chinese doctor has heard many tragic cries in the delivery room, heard mothers screaming in pain from dark to dawn, witnessed pelvic fractures caused by mothers giving birth, and had personally stitched up severely torn and bloody wounds. Birth wounds, cruel hand/peeling/fetus/discs for painful mothers.

If it wasn't for her love for Fu Jingyi, the little Chinese doctor would never have given birth to Fu Jingyi's child.

Little Chinese doctors are not only afraid of marriage, but also afraid of childbearing.

After much deliberation, the little Chinese doctor decided to go home and hide in the medicine valley without seeing anyone.

Anyway, Fu Jingyi didn't know that she was pregnant, and in a few years, maybe Fu Jingyi would completely forget her.

Tang Tang came out of the room of the small Chinese medicine practitioner with a bag of medicine dregs.

I ran into Jindou who had just returned to the house head-on.

Ever since Jin Dou knew that Tang Tang was Ms. S, she had turned into a little fanboy, asking for warmth and caring.Seeing the garbage bag in Tang Tang's hand at this moment, Jin Dou rushed over immediately: "Sister Tang, I'll take out the garbage, let me do it! Your hands can only be used to create music, how can you do such trivial things as throwing garbage!"

Tang Tang: You don't have to say that.

Jin Dou snatched the garbage bag from Tang Tang's hand with enthusiasm: "That's right, Grandpa Zheng from our village will come to Yinlun Country tomorrow, and I'm going to pick him up at the airport. Sister Tang, are you going? My Grandpa Zheng admires you very much, he It's your ashes!"

Tang Tang thought of this legendary scientist and nodded: "Okay, I will pick him up with you."

Tang Tang has something to discuss with Grandpa Zheng, so he must establish a good relationship with him in advance, so that he can do things in the near future.

"Great! Grandpa Zheng will be very happy to see you!" Jin Dou happily ran out of the house with the garbage bag, humming a light song all the way.

In the corridor outside the house, the overjoyed Jindou accidentally bumped into a solid fleshy wall.

It hit the golden beans with gold stars in their eyes.

The medicine dregs in the garbage bag were scattered all over the ground.

Jin Dou rubbed his head, and stared angrily: "Fatty, you don't have eyes? You don't listen to me telling you to lose weight, so you can be a puppet to reserve food when there is a famine?"

Jin Dou didn't like this fat man anyway.

The fat man groaned: "It's obvious that you don't look at the road when you walk, and your eyes are not good enough to wear glasses, and you touch porcelain every day."

Jin Dou was furious and pointed at the scattered medicine dregs on the ground, "I'm too lazy to quarrel with you, you clean up the medicine dregs on the ground yourself!"

Fatty saw the used medicine dregs on the ground, and a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine came to his nostrils. Fatty frowned: "Are you sick?"

Jin Dou: "It's the medicine dregs brought by Sister Tang. I'll throw it away for her. Why do you care so much? I'll leave this pile of garbage to you to deal with, or I'll report back to Sister Tang."

After finishing speaking, Jin Dou left angrily.

The fat man shook his head helplessly, and called the corridor cleaner to clean up the pair of medicinal residues.But for some reason, the fat man suddenly bent down and picked up a small ball of medicine residue, and put it into the paper bag he carried with him.

Let the team check the composition of the dregs.

According to Jindou, Tang Tang brought out the dregs.Tang Tang is the treasure of his boss. During the time when the boss is away, as a subordinate, he must care about his sister-in-law's personal safety.

He drank medicine for no reason, and he might have some kind of illness, so he had to do a secret investigation.

The next morning, the weather was fine, and the warm sun slowly entered the house through the gaps in the white window screens.

Drop drop-

The alarm clock rang.

Jin Dou covered his ears irritably, stretched out his hand in a daze, and turned off the alarm on the phone.

The 7:30 alarm clock rang and was turned off.

The 7:40 alarm clock rang and was turned off again.

The alarm clock rang at 7:50, and Jin Dou finally opened his eyes irritably, mumbling and cursing: "Which idiot set the alarm clock to keep people from sleeping!"

After a while, Jin Dou realized that he was that idiot.

 Peel the placenta by hand, tsk, I suggest you search it

(End of this chapter)

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