Chapter 961 This Woman Is So Hypocritical

In the reception room, Jin Dou was also frequently checking the time on the clock on the wall.

At this point of time, Grandpa Zheng in the village should get off the plane, why not come over?

Just wondering, there was a commotion at the door.

The scientists of the research institute swarmed over, and Jin Dou was pushed to a corner because of an unstable center of gravity, and his head almost hit the wall.Jin Dou covered his head and glared at the person who pushed him.

Charlotte said apologetically, "I'm so sorry, I didn't hit you on purpose, are you okay?"

Jin Dou rolled his eyes: "It's okay."

Charlotte gently reminded: "Golden Dou, has Grandpa Zheng from your village come yet? I think he may have taken the commoner passage. This is a special passage, and only distinguished passengers can go. An old man who sells tea, I'm afraid I'm not qualified to go here yet."

Her blatant malice was barely concealed.

Jin Dou felt that this woman was so hypocritical, she looked pretty, but why did she say something so uncomfortable.Jindou still thinks that the little chubby girl in the next village is good. She eats a lot, looks cute, and is honest.In the future, the village must carefully inquire about the whereabouts of the little fat girl, maybe they can continue their relationship.

The door of the reception room opened, and the dean finally saw the rumored old Mr. Zheng Krypton.

The dean stepped forward excitedly: "Mr. Zheng, you are finally here! Prince Xue Nuo invited you to Yinlun Palace at noon—"

Unexpectedly, Zheng Krypton's face was displeased: "I'm not free, I want to have lunch with the little golden bean in our village-you get out of the way first, Jindou, little golden bean~ brat, your grandpa Zheng is here, where did you go?" ?”

After shouting several times, Jin Dou came over slowly.

Zheng Krypton pulled Jindou with a grunt, and Jindou was forced to squat down.Zheng Krypton touched Jindou's hair lovingly, rubbed his white and tender face, and patted his strong shoulder: "Oh, I haven't seen you in a year, our little Jindou is getting better and better! Come on, turn around Quan'er, let Grandpa Zheng take a good look at it, your grandpa is worried every day that you won't be able to eat enough and sleep well in the Berke Academy, I think you are in good spirits, hahaha."

"Is the erhu still practicing every day? When I go back to the hotel, I will play a song for your grandpa Zheng to cheer up. By the way, Ms. S's autograph you mentioned, hurry up and prepare it for me. I want to take a photo and post it on Moments to show off."

The little old man's laughter was extraordinarily heroic as he walked through the corridor.

Jin Dou was speechless, tugged at Zheng Krypton's sleeve, and took the initiative to introduce: "Grandpa Zheng, this is my sugar sister."

Zheng Krypton looked at Tang Tang with a smile, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he was: "You are Miss Tang Tang, right? Jindou often mentions you in the family group, do you have a partner? How old are you? What do you think of Jindou in our village? This kid doesn't look very good, but his family has hundreds of thousands of sheep and is rich."

Tang Tang:.
Jin Dou wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in: "Grandpa Zheng, Sister Tang has a girlfriend! Oh, let's go back to the hotel first, it's so embarrassing!"

If Brother Fu knew, Jindou's head would have to be moved.

"Okay, okay, go back to the hotel first." Zheng Krypton's laughter shook the ceiling.

Jin Dou hurried to the hotel with Zheng Krypton and others.Another presidential suite in the hotel has been booked for Zheng Krypton, a respected old man, to live in.

And the scientists of the research institute watched Zheng Krypton leave, and did not react for a long time.

What?Jin Dou and Zheng Krypton are actually related?
The old man who sells tea in Jindou's mouth is actually Zheng Krypton, a leading figure in the scientific world?

(End of this chapter)

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