Chapter 962

The one with the worst expression was Charlotte. Charlotte was very disdainful of Jindou just now, but now she just wished to turn back time.Charlotte had to pray secretly, hoping that this golden bean would not hold grudges, and would not care about her unreasonableness.

Before coming to the airport, the second uncle Qian reminded Wan Wan that Charlotte must make a good impression on Zheng Krypton.Zheng Krypton is a top microbiologist, and only by being favored by Zheng Krypton can Charlotte go further in the scientific community.

But now.
Charlotte lowered her eyes, I'm afraid she won't be able to leave a good impression on Zheng Krypton today.We can only wait for the opening of the World Congress of Biology, when Charlotte publishes her new research, she will definitely be favored by Zheng Krypton.

Thinking about it this way, the hanging heart finally let go.

A researcher reminded: "By the way, Researcher Charlotte, don't you want to buy Mr. Zheng's tea? He just came to Yinlun Country, so you have to hurry up and buy it."

Charlotte forced a smile: "Well, I see."

buy tea?
Charlotte once bluffed and told Jindou that she wanted to buy a catty of tea.Looking back now, Charlotte realized how ridiculous her statement was.

The top tribute tea cultivated and grown by Zheng Krypton himself costs US$300,000 per hundred grams on the market.Even if Prince Snow wanted to buy it, he had to queue up.

Charlotte pressed her temples irritably, she has been going smoothly for more than ten years, but she just feels that things have really gone wrong recently.

in a hotel suite.

Zheng Krypton enthusiastically took out the gift he had prepared and asked the bodyguard to hand over two large suitcases to Jin Dou.Zheng Krypton is a kind old man who loves to laugh and talks a lot along the way.

Tang Tang finally understands why Jindou is a small chatterbox, because of the influence of the environment, the grandparents in Jindou Village must be chatterboxes.

Zheng Krypton handed the exquisite small ceramic pot to Jindou, and introduced: "This pot of tea is this year's new tea, a kind of black tea. Your kid has grown up, drinking more black tea is good for the kidneys. The caffeine in black tea can strengthen the kidneys. Blood circulation in the kidneys, inhibiting the reabsorption of water by the renal tubules."

Jin Dou's face was flushed red: "I, my kidneys are very good!!"

Zheng Krypton laughed loudly: "I don't even have a girlfriend, what's the use of a good kidney?"

Jin Dou fell silent.

Zheng Krypton said again: "I am coming back to Yinlun Country, and I have all the burdens of our village on my shoulders. Many of the things those old men asked me to bring to you cannot pass the plane security check. What can be brought over are good things. You don't want waste."

The golden bean chicken nodded like pecking rice.

Zheng Krypton touched Jindou's head lovingly: "Hurry up and take out Ms. S's signature, I want to take a photo and send it to Moments."

Jin Dou secretly glanced at Tang Tang, who was still studying the scented tea sent by Zheng Krypton.

Jin Dou took out his music notebook, and there was Ms. S's signature on the blank space on the second page.This is of course Tang Tang's autograph.

Zheng Krypton's eyes lit up instantly, he held the signed notebook and looked left and right, took out his phone and clicked to take a picture, and asked Jindou to take a photo of him and the signature on his behalf.

Although the grade is getting older, Zheng Krypton is still keeping pace with the times, using Douyin, posting on Moments, playing with emoticons, everything is special 6.
【Circle of friends】

[Old tea seller Zheng Krypton]: "Finally got Ms. S's signature! I'm happy~"

【Jiugongge Photo】

Not long after the photo was posted, more than a dozen comments immediately flooded out below, and the number of likes and hearts soared, and it continued to grow.

Jindou clicked on Moments and saw Grandpa Wang at the entrance of the village, Grandpa Li at the end of the village, Grandpa the village chief, and Grandpa Zhao in the village

, Grandpa Zhang from the head of the village, Grandpa Zhou from the south of the village, Grandma Qian from the east of the village, Grandma Zhou from the west of the village, Grandpa He from the southeast of the village, etc., all liked and left comments.

(End of this chapter)

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