Chapter 963
[Old Jin playing with cannonballs]: "You are so lucky! Give me your autograph, and I will give you my grandson."

[Cuntou Old Wang]: "I'll trade my ancestral piano for you!"

[Village head aims to live to be a hundred years old]: "Envy."

【Old Construction Worker Lao Zhou】: "Envy."

Zheng Krypton looked at the messages in the circle of friends and smiled brightly: "These grandchildren come to my house every day to drink tea and never give money. This time I envy them! When I return to the village, they want to see Ms. S's autograph. Pay the money, don't even want to see it if you don't pay!"

Golden Bean: .
Sometimes Jin Dou really suspects that the grandparents in the village are a bunch of children who haven't grown up.

Zheng Krypton got Ms. S's signature, and his mood was so good that he flew up, and his enthusiasm for work was high.In the afternoon, I accepted the invitation of Prince Xue Nuo of Yinlun Kingdom to visit the palace, and went to the Royal Academy for a stroll, and took photos with the dean and others.

Everything is ready, just wait for tomorrow's World Biology Congress to start.

The scientific community is busy, and the scientists and researchers who will give a speech at the conference tomorrow are all nervous.But there were exceptions, and Charlotte seemed quite relaxed.

Tomorrow, she will publish a microbiological research that attracts worldwide attention. According to my second uncle, if the results of this new research are announced, it will cause a sensation in the entire scientific and medical circles.

It was getting late, and Charlotte was still busy choosing jewelry and clothes.Tomorrow she will show her face in the industry, and the live broadcast on the whole network will attract more than ten million netizens. Charlotte will dress herself up beautifully.

The maids brought in a new batch of custom-made skirts, and Charlotte was busy picking them out, but she couldn't find satisfactory clothes for a long time.

The second uncle walked into the room frowning, and put the box containing pearl earrings and silver-rimmed glasses on the table. Seeing the busy Charlotte, the second uncle reminded her: "Son, you will memorize tomorrow's speech." Are you ready?"

Charlotte was busy choosing beautiful clothes, so she didn't have the heart to memorize the manuscript, so she said perfunctorily, "Second Uncle, I'm not giving a speech without a script tomorrow. Besides, you can help me solve problems in the earphones, I don't need to memorize the manuscript. "

Charlotte's speech tomorrow will be about research on microbial resistance.Infections brought by pathogenic microorganisms have long threatened human safety. In Charlotte's research, a feasible solution is proposed to minimize microbial infections.

This is a great achievement for patients in Yinlun Country and the whole world.

But there were too many awkward professional words in the speech, and Charlotte felt dizzy after reading it, so she simply muddled things as usual.

The second uncle disagreed: "Charlotte, what should I do if something happens? I have said many times that I want you to read more professional knowledge in microbiology. Even if you don't have top talents, you must at least understand microbes The basic principle. Zheng Krypton will come over tomorrow, he is a leading figure in modern microbiology. His research is top secret in China, even our hacker Heiju, there is no way to find Zheng Krypton’s research through the Internet—— "

Charlotte's ears felt calloused.

What kind of microbiological research, if it didn't bring her a halo of honor, Charlotte would never want to touch these bibles in her life.

"Okay, second uncle, you are always worrying about nothing, you have to believe in our technology, I will never be exposed in my life."

Charlotte interrupted the second uncle irritably, and showed the second uncle a long silver dress:
"Is it okay for me to wear this dress tomorrow? This one shows off my good figure, and it's not that open."

 update update update update update update
  It's almost December, time flies so fast

(End of this chapter)

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