Chapter 964 The General Assembly Is About to Begin

Charlotte was obsessed with jewelry and dress makeup, and she didn't pay any attention to scientific research.Seeing her like this, the second uncle shook his head helplessly.

At this World Biology Congress, the eyes of the whole world are gathered here, and we must not take it lightly.

Seeing Charlotte's "carefree" appearance, the second uncle felt a strange uneasiness in his heart.He held his heart, hoping that he was thinking too much.

Time passed in a blink of an eye, and the World Biology Congress was grandly opened.This is a grand event comparable to the Nobel Prize in biology. Biologists from all over the world gather together to publish their new research in the field of science.

Numerous whimsical ideas and scientific research results will be revealed to the world.

The event lasted three days and brought together more than five hundred biologists.At the same time, there will be a simultaneous live broadcast on the entire network, and more than ten million netizens will watch this grand event every year.

Among the netizens who watched the live broadcast, there were students majoring in biology from major colleges and universities, and there were also many melon-eaters watching the excitement and chasing stars.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, Tang Tang yawned and got up, and put a light-colored blanket on his knees.In the living room, Fatty, Wang Xiaogui and Jindou had already sat down.

"Miss, it's ready." Wang Xiaogui handed the breakfast to Tang Tang.In front of Wang Xiaogui and Fatty, each placed a computer with super high configuration.

Tang Tang took a sip of hot milk and lazily watched the live TV: "Is Mr. Zheng Krypton ready?"

Jin Dou nodded: "My Grandpa Zheng can rest assured that there will be no mistakes. As long as Sister Tang gives him Ms. S's autograph book, even the moon in the sky, Grandpa Zheng can get it for you."

Tang Tang smiled.

The World Biology Congress officially started at ten o'clock in the morning.On the TV, the scene of scientists entering the arena was being broadcast, and the live broadcast room was almost covered by barrage.

[Aww!I see my goddess!Princess Charlotte's eternal god, the pride of our Yinlun country! 】

[The youngest microbiologist, the prettiest princess, come to fight! 】

[My Princess Charlotte is really perfect, I look forward to seeing the new scientific research results she published today!The "New Discovery of the Regulation of Microbial Metabolism" published by her last year is especially amazing! 】

[Princess Charlotte is simply a role model for our women, much better than that Professor Du.She is also a woman engaged in microbiological research, this Professor Du is old and ugly, but our Charlotte is beautiful and talented. 】

【looking forward to!Today the princess is wearing the pearl earring left by her mother again, my goddess really loves her mother~]

[Well, I don't think Professor Du is ugly.She works in the laboratory 365 days a year, how can she have time to dress herself up.]

Biology conferences are supposed to be boring.

But with Charlotte's presence, the popularity of the live broadcast room skyrocketed instantly, comparable to a large-scale idol star chasing scene.Tang Tang shook his head when he saw the words of praise on the barrage.

Here's hoping these Charlotte's "crazy fans" are still loving it a few hours later.

The World Biology Congress hadn't started yet, so the host of the live broadcast room simply started random interviews.The host stopped a female scientist who was entering the venue, and said with a smile: "So it's Professor Du. You look haggard today, and you haven't even combed your hair."

"I combed my hair." The gray-haired female scientist in her early thirties said coldly, "However, due to the radiation from the laboratory in recent years, her hair has become thinner."

(End of this chapter)

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