Chapter 965 Academic Goddess Charlotte?
The host smiled.

The barrage in the live broadcast room is full of ridicule:
[It's Ms. Du again, alas, she and my goddess Charlotte have always been rivals, I really don't know where she got the courage. 】

[Ms. Du publicly criticized Princess Charlotte for plagiarism, suspecting that our Charlotte does not have the research ability, tsk tsk, open your eyes and talk nonsense]

【I think she is jealous of Charlotte~】

[Yes, the same female scientist, Charlotte is beautiful, immortal and talented, but Ms. Du is old and ugly, tsk tsk. 】

Professor Du did not accept the host's interview and led the team into the venue.

Tang Tang saw this Professor Du in the live broadcast room, and became a little interested, so he searched for Professor Du's information on the Internet.

This Professor Du is also a female microbiologist, over thirty years old.In recent years, he has made great achievements in the field of microbiology and published many scientific research results.

But Professor Du has been attacking Charlotte, claiming that Charlotte has stolen her scientific research results.The reason is that Professor Du was conducting a top-secret microbial research a few years ago, and few people knew about it. Her results have not yet been released, but Charlotte released Professor Du's scientific research results in advance.

Professor Du was angry and annoyed, claiming that Charlotte had plagiarized, but Professor Du could not produce any evidence.Because Charlotte not only produced complete scientific research results, but also announced the research process, which is well-founded.

Since then, the rift between Professor Du and Charlotte has been forged.

After reading Professor Du's information, Tang Tang lowered his eyes: "It's an interesting female scientist."

Scientists who really love their careers have the spirit of dedication to science and the courage to challenge the unknown. Compared with Charlotte, who is often dressed up in fancy clothes, Professor Du is a real female scientist.

In the TV screen, the host did not interview Professor Du, but luckily met Charlotte who entered the scene.The host hurried forward to interview: "Princess Charlotte, what is the research you are going to publish today? Can you reveal a little bit to the audience in the live broadcast room?"

Today, Charlotte is wearing a light purple long dress, with long hair and shawls, and exquisite makeup.Wearing her favorite pearl earrings as usual, she stands out among all the male scientists.

Charlotte smiled slightly, and pushed the silver-rimmed glasses on the bridge of the nose with her slender fingers: "The research I want to publish this time is still about microbial resistance. Antimicrobial drugs are widely used to treat and prevent diseases, but The existence of microbial resistance often leads to the illness of patients, resulting in a large number of infections. The drug resistance research I proposed this time may be able to slow down drug resistance again."

She has a beautiful appearance, she speaks professional biological vocabulary, and she becomes the brightest existence in the entire live broadcast room.

There are endless words of praise on the barrage.

The host also knew some knowledge about microbial resistance, nodded frequently, and praised Charlotte lavishly.

Charlotte enjoyed the crowd's pursuit, her heart was already in high spirits, but she still pretended to be modest, and walked into the venue politely.

"Boring. Jindou, tell me a joke." Tang Tang waited for the meeting to start, and waited impatiently.

She didn't want to see Charlotte's shadow on the screen again.

Jin Dou was gnawing on the bread. Hearing this, he raised his head in a daze, but hadn't reacted yet: "What? Sister Tang, what are you talking about?"

Tang Tang: "I'm bored, Jindou, tell a bad joke to pass the time." In fact, she doesn't want to see Charlotte on TV and needs to divert her attention.

(End of this chapter)

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