Chapter 966 Charlotte Was Debunked (1)

Jin Dou racked his brains and thought for a while: "Yes—there used to be a man who looked like a phone. One day he was walking on the road, and suddenly, he hung up~~hahahahaha."

Tang Tang:.
Jin Dou touched the little quilt tightly, isn't this cold joke funny?Sister Tang, why are you looking at me like this.

Jin Dou was a little aggrieved, and subconsciously looked at the fat man who was playing with the computer.

The fat man was silent for two seconds, and suddenly laughed out loud: "Hahaha, Jindou's joke is so cold, I've never heard such a funny joke, Jindou, you boy is quite talented. You can tell such a funny joke. "

Jin Dou patted his thigh: "I'll just say it, the joke I told must be very funny."

Over there, Wang Xiaogui typed on the keyboard, looked at Fatty and Jindou who were still giggling, and cursed:

"Silly X."

At ten o'clock in the morning, the World Biology Congress finally started.

This is a grand event in the scientific community, and the guest speaker at the opening is Zheng Krypton.Zheng Krypton is the treasure of the town in the biological world. He is over eighty years old, has profound knowledge and a high status.

Wearing a dark blue Tang suit, with white hair all over his head, he delivered a short speech in 5 minutes, which attracted applause from all the halls.

Next, the speech session began. Scientists delivered 20-minute speeches on their individual scientific research achievements in sequence.And the first person to give a scientific research speech was Princess Charlotte of the host country, Yinlun Kingdom.

【My goddess Charlotte is here! ! 】

[The youngest microbiologist in history, the first scientist to give a speech at the conference!Mommy I'm so proud! 】

[The national treasure of our Yinlun Kingdom~]

[Ask for the link of Princess Charlotte's earrings, the pearl earrings are really beautiful~]

The conference was held in Yinlun Kingdom, and Charlotte was the princess of Yinlun Kingdom, so the organizer generously gave Charlotte the first opportunity to give a speech.

Carrying the speech and PPT, Charlotte stepped onto the podium under the eyes of countless people.She looked so confident, her gestures were elegant and intellectual, she adjusted the microphone and began to speak:
"Dear Professor Zheng Krypton, fellow colleagues and viewers in the live broadcast room, I am Charlotte from the Royal Research Institute of Yinlun Kingdom. Today I am going to explain "Antifungal Drugs and Fungal Resistance Detection and Research on Reducing Drug Resistance ". As is well known, the fungal cell wall acts as an interface between the fungus and the environment, protecting and dictating"

Her voice was gentle and powerful, and her speech was logical and orderly, which quickly attracted the attention of everyone present.

Many scientists nodded frequently, writing notes.

Only Professor Du, who was sitting in the front row, was shocked, and subconsciously looked at Professor Charlotte Du who was speaking in surprise. Is there such a coincidence?The content of Charlotte's speech is [-]% similar to the research results done by Professor Du.

Professor Du's heart was overwhelmed!


Professor Du's research results in the past few years were suddenly published by Charlotte before they were published.This time, Professor Du devoted himself to research for three years and was about to present his results at the conference, but Charlotte got ahead of him.
Charlotte's research content is more complete and more substantial. Professor Du clenched his fist secretly. How could it be such a coincidence. There are many research directions in the field of microbiology, but Charlotte's research direction is the same as hers every time?

"This is the end of my research speech. I'm showing my ugliness. Thank you for listening." Charlotte had finished her speech and bowed slightly to her peers.

(End of this chapter)

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