Chapter 967 Charlotte Was Debunked (2)

The corners of the mouth curled up slightly in the dark.

From the looks of the scientists on site, Charlotte knew how successful her speech was this time.

The barrage in the live broadcast room even flew up:

[Damn, my mother asked me why I was kneeling to watch the live broadcast!As expected of Charlotte, she clearly studied antifungal drugs and their mechanism of action! 】

[If this achievement can continue to be improved, how many patients in the world can be treated?Charlotte is simply the reincarnation of a Bodhisattva! 】

[It's really a fairy, combining this achievement with clinical treatment, the number of patients who died of drug resistance will be greatly reduced! 】

[My goddess is really powerful, she is the heroine of Shuangwen! 】

After Charlotte's speech, there will be 10 minutes of Q&A time.

Similar to publishing a thesis at a university graduation, the tutors ask questions, and Charlotte is responsible for answering them.Charlotte is not afraid of being asked questions at all. She has foreign aid and can answer even the most difficult questions.

"Everyone at the scene and the audience in the live broadcast room have any questions, you can ask me questions, and I will know everything." Charlotte smiled gently, and her glasses suddenly started to heat up, Charlotte didn't take it to heart.

Countless questions popped up in the live broadcast room.

The host selected the most popular question, looked at it, and suddenly laughed out loud: "Miss Charlotte, the audience in the live broadcast room would like to ask you, what is your criteria for choosing a spouse?"

Charlotte pretended to be surprised, and her ears blushed with embarrassment: "Netizens are so interesting, you should ask questions related to your major. But since everyone has asked, let me talk about my criteria for choosing a mate—to tell you the truth, I actually already have someone I like. He is the young master of the Fu family, and I fell in love with him at first sight."

There was wailing in the live broadcast room.

Some netizens began to look for who the young master of the Fu family was. Unfortunately, there was very little information about the Fu family on the Internet, and even after searching for a long time, they couldn't find out who the mysterious young master Fu was.


Jin Dou was taken aback, and quickly looked back, only to find that the Coke can in Tang Tang's hand had been crushed.

Jindou: The child is afraid.
Tang Tang casually threw the crushed Coke can into the trash can, and asked Fatty and Wang Xiaogui, "Are you ready?"

Fatty nodded: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, Fatty, I'm the third hacker on the hacker list! The other party is the second-ranked hacker, Fatty, I will use a little force, and I will definitely beat him to the ground."

Wang Xiaogui said: "My brother has already broken through [Heiju]'s network, and Charlotte's foreign aid is about to fail."

The fat man turned his head: "Who is your brother?"

Wang Xiaogui said calmly: "My brother's name on the hacker list is [Money]."

The fat man's eyes widened.

After answering the netizens' questions, Charlotte was about to leave when she was suddenly stopped.

At the Biology Conference, Zheng Krypton, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked: "Miss Charlotte, I have a question about microorganisms that I would like to ask you."

Zheng Krypton represents the ceiling of the microbial world, and it is an honor to be asked by such a big man.Charlotte put on the gentlest smile: "Mr. Zheng, please tell me."

Other scientists at the scene also looked over, looking forward to Zheng Krypton's question.

Everyone thought that Zheng Krypton would ask a constructive question. Unexpectedly, Zheng Krypton said casually: "Miss Charlotte, what are antibiotics?"

Everyone was in an uproar, is Mr. Zheng crazy?Ask this kind of kindergarten level question!
As long as you are engaged in biological research, you can answer what antibiotics are with your eyes closed.

No one knows why Zheng Krypton asked such basic questions, but what is even more surprising is that Charlotte, who was talking eloquently on the podium, has not answered for a long time
(End of this chapter)

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