Chapter 968 Charlotte Was Debunked (3)

Charlotte looked a little weird. Her fingers kept touching the pearl earrings, and she took off her silver-rimmed glasses from time to time, and a layer of cold sweat began to break out on her forehead.

The earrings are out of order.

The microcomputer glasses also failed.

"How could this be?" Charlotte stood on the podium in a daze, feeling dizzy.Obviously, before coming to the biology conference, the second uncle had checked the pearl earrings and silver-rimmed glasses repeatedly.

But now, the pearl earrings made a slight sizzling electric noise, and her glasses were also getting hot, causing Charlotte's nose to tingle.

Pearl earrings and silver-rimmed glasses are Charlotte's "magic weapons".The earrings are miniature communicators. Whenever a colleague asks Charlotte a professional question, the second uncle will speak the answer through the earrings.

Earrings are a cheat.

Charlotte doesn't need to do anything, she just needs to convey the words of the second uncle.But now, all the cheating devices are out of order!

"Why, can't answer it?" Zheng Krypton squinted his eyes, "Then let me change the question, what are archaea and what are actinomycetes? You are a genius in the microbiology world, can you answer this basic question?"

Before changing it, Charlotte could repeat it casually.

But now.
Charlotte was originally a scumbag, and she had the lowest grades in school when she was a child.With the help of her second uncle, Hei Ju, the world's third-ranked hacker, Charlotte was able to put on the brocade robe of an academic goddess.

Without her second uncle and without Heiju, Charlotte is nothing.

"I, I." Faced with a pair of eyes, Charlotte was in a panic, thinking wildly in her mind.The good reputation she has accumulated over the years cannot be ruined today!
This damn Zheng Krypton, why are you asking such nonsense questions?
And the second uncle, who didn't know how to test the pearl earrings before leaving, made her embarrassing in public.

Standing on the glorious stage, she lived every second like a year.Just as she was racking her brains to find a solution, a sizzle sound suddenly came from inside the pearl earring.

Charlotte was very pleasantly surprised, did the pearl earring communicator recover?

But in the next second, the pearl earrings suddenly started to heat up, sparkling with lightning.Charlotte screamed in pain, quickly took off the earrings and threw them on the ground, the pearl earrings began to emit a burnt smell, completely broken.

The live room is full of question marks:
[What's going on, why can't Goddess Charlotte answer the question about antibiotics? 】

[And this pearl earring, is it broken?Isn't it pearls?Why is it a bit like an electronic product? 】

【Didn't you notice the look in Charlotte's eyes?When Mr. Zheng Krypton asked her questions, she acted like a scumbag who didn't understand anything.]

[Impossible, my goddess Charlotte may not be feeling well today, so my state is a bit strange. 】

The comments in the live broadcast room skyrocketed again.

Charlotte stood stiffly on the podium. She couldn't delay any longer. She had to find a way to preserve her reputation.So she pretended to be dizzy, and pressed her temples tiredly, as if she was about to fall down.

The host who was closest to her hurried forward to support her: "Miss Charlotte, what's wrong with you?"

Charlotte said weakly: "I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well today, I'll go back and rest first, is that okay?"

The host didn't know, so seeing her delicate and pitiful appearance, he hurriedly called an assistant to help Charlotte leave.Unexpectedly, Zheng Krypton, who was sitting in the front row, suddenly spoke and said sternly:
"Don't let her go! If you don't answer the question today, don't think about leaving half a step! My biological world has always been clean, and I can't tolerate the sand of academic fraud!"

 so cold today
  Chuxue sent great men, all the way well


  Five updates today~ It’s considered an addition~~
  And thank you: Pocket, Star River, and Wang for their rewards, so heartfelt~
(End of this chapter)

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