Chapter 969 Shameless and Invincible (1)

Zheng Krypton's words were sonorous and powerful, directly intimidating the audience.

No one in the venue dared to raise rebuttals.

Charlotte's face was extremely pale, and her hands were trembling uncontrollably. The originally bright and bright lights of the podium fell on her eyes at this moment, which was extremely dazzling.Every second is suffering.

"I'm really not feeling well today." Charlotte could only come up with an excuse of being unwell.She was beautiful, and her sweaty appearance had a kind of sickly beauty.

She tried to gain sympathy by pretending to be pitiful.

If it were a young man, he must have felt sorry for poor Charlotte.But Zheng Krypton, an 80-year-old man who has never seen any beautiful women, spoke in a particularly indifferent tone: "I was in a car accident on the way to the laboratory, and half of my foot was almost disabled. Tell the assistant—you can stand up and talk now, is it hard to answer a basic biology question?"

After a pause, Zheng Krypton's eyes became more severe, and he said slowly: "Or, you don't know what antibiotics are at all!"

His words are resounding!

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked.

The scientists at the scene were still on Charlotte's side at first, but seeing that Charlotte hadn't spoken for a long time, the scientists frowned one by one.

The atmosphere at the scene was tense.

But the webcast room is a different story. Nearly half of the viewers who watch the live broadcast don't know any scientific knowledge, and they just come here to chase stars.Now watching the goddess in their hearts being blamed, the Internet barrage suddenly rolled in:

[What the hell is this old man going to do?Didn't you see that our goddess is not feeling well? 】

【Princess Charlotte is not in good health, she gets sick when she gets sick, so why don't you force her to answer questions? 】

[Where is the bad old man, he knows how to bully female scientists, I think he is sexist! 】

[Wuuuuu, my poor princess, she looks very ill. Is the host blind? Call the doctor quickly! 】

The barrage began to abuse Zheng Krypton.

Other netizens in the live broadcast room couldn't stand it anymore, and started to fight back one after another:
[Before you young and stupid fans curse, can you first search the Internet for who Zheng Krypton is? 】

[I'm annoyed by these fans the most. When did the scientific community become popular for chasing stars? We only look at the results and don't look at the face when we do research, ok? 】

[Super tube comes out to kick people, you can scold anyone, don't scold Mr. Zheng! 】

Most of the fans who like Charlotte are straight men or young girls who look at their looks. They don't have a high level of education and don't know much about biology.

Charlotte's fans were scolded by the barrage, and they were all filled with righteous indignation.

Isn't he just a bad old man with half a foot in the coffin?Who could he be?
So fans searched for Zheng Krypton’s information on the Internet——

Then there is no more then.

The barrage fell silent in an instant, and the young people who scolded Zheng Krypton before fell silent.This is a real boss, a living legend, and Charlotte is insignificant in front of his glorious resume.

The barrage was quiet, and everyone continued to focus on the live broadcast.

Charlotte felt that she was burning on the fire, and cold sweat dripped down her smooth forehead, and she couldn't wait for the second uncle to come to the rescue.Charlotte could only grit her teeth, rolled her eyelids, and fell limply.

She pretended to be dizzy.

Hope to get away with it.

The host screamed and hurriedly called the security and medical team.This kind of world-renowned important conference will be equipped with a top medical team to deal with emergencies at any time.

The medical team is going to carry Charlotte away.

With a gloomy face, Zheng Krypton stepped onto the stage leaning on a cane to stop the medical team from moving.Zheng Krypton looked down at Charlotte, who was pretending to be dizzy, and snorted coldly: "I don't believe it, she was fine when she came here, and she fainted if she said she was dizzy—doctor, measure her blood pressure and pulse."

(End of this chapter)

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