Chapter 970 Shameless and Invincible (2)

Doctor: "This"

Zheng Krypton said slowly: "You are a royal doctor with rich experience. Whether you are really dizzy or pretending to be dizzy, you should know better than others."

Charlotte pretending to be dizzy: .
This old man is so annoying, when did I offend him?Do you have to kill me?

Zheng Krypton is highly respected, and when he spoke, the doctor did not dare to refute.So he temporarily pulled a piece of cloth to cover the podium, and began to check Charlotte's blood pressure and pulse.

Standing on the main podium, Zheng Krypton calmly looked at the dark crowd of scientists with a steady and powerful voice: "Everyone, maybe some of you are very dissatisfied with me and feel that I am deliberately targeting this Ms. Charlotte. But I want to tell You guys, just yesterday, I got a recording."

With that said, Zheng Krypton put the USB flash drive into the computer on site.

An audio was played in public.

Male voice: [Son, have you memorized tomorrow's speech? 】

Female voice: [Second Uncle, tomorrow I will not be giving a speech without a script.Besides, if you encounter problems, you can help me solve them in the headset, and I don't have to memorize the script. 】

Male voice: [Charlotte, what if something happens?I have said many times, let you read more professional knowledge of microbiology.Even if you don’t have top talents, you must at least understand the basic principles of microorganisms]

Female voice: [Okay, second uncle, you are always worrying about nothing, you have to believe in our technology, I will never be exposed in my life. 】

This recording is exceptionally clear.

Everyone at the scene and in the live broadcast room recognized that the female voice in the recording was Charlotte.

Zheng Krypton said calmly: "I know that there is no shortage of geniuses in the world, but when Ms. Charlotte was seven years old, even the laboratory table was taller than her, but she published scientific research results that shocked the industry. Over the years, her research results have continued. , as if there is no period of burnout. After receiving this recording, I have reason to suspect that Miss Charlotte is not talented in scientific research, but a complete fraud."

"The research results she published at the age of seven are exactly the same as the experiments secretly conducted by an old scientist in country B."

"Her research on archaea at the age of eight is highly similar to the scientific research in the southern Huaguo laboratory."

"She dabbled in the research of microbial enzymes at the age of ten, similar to country A."

"The microbial resistance research she published at this conference is highly similar to Professor Du's research."

"Her research results are more complete and comprehensive, so many scientists did not suspect her of plagiarism, but thought they were unlucky and studied the same thing as Charlotte."

There was an uproar!

Especially that Professor Du, who had been vaguely guessing before, but now that the truth is revealed, he was so angry that he almost jumped up, cursing shamelessly!
The live broadcast room is full of barrage!
If what Zheng Krypton said is true, it means that a scandal in the academic world will break out today!
Zheng Krypton opened his mouth slowly: "The method to verify my guess is very simple. You just need to wait for Ms. Charlotte to wake up and answer me a few basic biological questions."

At this time, the doctor who was examining Charlotte stood up, showing embarrassment on his face: "Mr. Zheng...has already briefly examined Ms. Charlotte. Her pulse, heartbeat, blood pressure are normal, brain waves are normal, and there is no abnormality in her body." state, consciousness is clear."

She is conscious, and all inspection indicators are normal. In other words, Charlotte is pretending to be dizzy.

The scene was extremely embarrassing for a while.

Charlotte pretended to be dizzy, but she just didn't want to wake up, and she didn't want to face this Shura field.She didn't open her eyes, and no one at the scene forced her to open them.

(End of this chapter)

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