Chapter 976 The tied golden beans (1)

Jin Dou waited and waited, waited and waited, from morning to afternoon, from afternoon to late night, but Tang Tang and Fu Jingan still did not come out of the house.

Jin Dou was puzzled.

Isn't it just that we haven't seen each other for ten days, what needs to be said for so long?

Jin Dou couldn't get into the suite, so he had to open another room downstairs and slept all night.In the morning of the next day, when the gray white light came in, Jindou went to the restaurant downstairs to have breakfast with sleepy eyes.

Feeling sleepy, Jindou was holding the sandwich, and was about to bury his head in it as he ate it.He drank more than half of his glass of iced Coke, and finally suppressed his sleepiness after getting up.He planned to go back to his room to practice the erhu after breakfast,

At this time, the phone beeped.

Received a text message.

[Tang Tang]: "Come to the eastern suburbs port quickly."

Jin Dou took the last bite of the sandwich and texted back:
[Golden Bean]: "Sister Tang~ When did you leave the hotel? I thought you were still exchanging feelings with Brother Fu."

[Tang Tang]: "I bought a few musical instruments, you come over here, and there is an erhu for you."

【Golden Bean】: "Alright! Come right now!"

Jindou is called a happy one.

Unexpectedly, Ms. S actually bought him a musical instrument in person!Could it be that this is planning to accept him as a direct disciple?Or prepare to train him to become a successor?
Jin Dou happily finished his breakfast, rushed out of the hotel, and hailed a taxi to go to the pier.At the entrance of the hotel, they met a fat man who hurried back, and the two almost ran into each other.

The fat man frowned, seeing the messy hair on Jindou's head: "Where are you going early in the morning?"

Jin Dou had already boarded a taxi and didn't answer at all.

The fat man scratched his head, thinking that Jindou was just out shopping.The fat man clenched the report in his hand, quickened his pace and went back upstairs to meet Tang Tang and Fu Jing'an!An urgent report was received this morning that the hacker Heiju, who was captured by the royal family of Yinlun Kingdom, escaped.

The capital of Yinlun Kingdom is close to the wharf, with the vast sea on one side. Relying on the prosperous port trade business, Yinlun Kingdom has become one of the wealthiest countries in the world.

At the pier in the early morning, the workers are already busy.

Large freight machines clang and clang, and sea freighters dock at the port.Although it was spring, the sea breeze in the early morning still made people shiver. Jin Dou was only wearing a thin gray coat, and her red hair was particularly eye-catching in the dim morning light.

The sea breeze blew, and Jindou's nose was running from the cold.

He texted Tang Tang: [Sister Tang~ Where are you? 】

[Tang Tang]: "Sea Ship No. 29, come up. I'm debugging the instrument."

【Golden Bean】: "Okay."

Facing the icy sea breeze, Jin Dou searched among the cruise ships docked at the port, and soon found the No. 29 shipping vessel.It was a small seagoing ship, and it looked rusty and old. The ladder at the bow was lowered, and three or four sailors were smoking on the deck.

Jin Dou didn't think much, and boarded the boat.

The burly sailor noticed Jin Dou and raised his voice and asked him, "Are you here to see the musical instrument?"

Jin Dou nodded hastily: "Yes, yes! Are you hired by Sister Tang?"

The sailor looked at him strangely, and pointed to the cabin: "He's on the lower floor, the innermost room."

Jindou entered the cabin.

The cabin is divided into upper and lower floors, and Jin Dou just stepped into the lower cabin.The smell in the cabin is not very good, the ubiquitous smell of gasoline and cigarettes, mixed in the air, makes people sick.

Jin Dou faintly felt that something was wrong, how could Tang Tang ask him to such a remote place?Jin Dou quickly opened the phone address book, and it was indeed a text message sent to him by Tang Tang.

With weird thoughts, the camera opened the door of the house: "Sugar—"

As soon as he opened his mouth, his mouth and nose were suddenly covered.

Jin Dou widened his eyes, suddenly realized something, and tried to avoid it by kicking his hands and feet indiscriminately.But the breath inhaled through the nasal cavity quickly made his hands and feet weak, and he couldn't exert any strength.

The hands and feet that were kicking around finally hang down limply.

The sound of the waves came from the small window.

A ladle of ice water was splashed on Jin Dou's face, which made him shiver.The red hair was drenched with water, and Jin Dou struggled to open his eyes, feeling the dizziness in his mind.

Consciousness gradually returned, and Jin Dou realized his miserable situation.

He was caught!

His hands and feet were bound and tied to a rusty steel pipe.The small room was only five or six square meters, narrow and dark, with a pungent gasoline and musty smell in the air, which made Jindou dizzy.

"Brother Fu! Sister Tang! Fatty!"

"anyone there?"

Jin Dou was a little flustered, and countless terrible news flashed in his mind, such as "Innocent boy was brutally raped, corpse XX", "Young man was involved in a scam and sold to sea XXX". After all, Jin Dou was just a young man, and he was protected since he was a child. The ground is very good, where have I experienced such a terrible thing, I trembled even more for a while.

"Is there anyone? You can feed as much as you want?"

shouted for a long time.

Only then did the narrow door creak open from the outside, and the small electric light in the room was turned on, and the pale light illuminated the small cabin.A short, thin man in black came in. He was wearing a dark gray waterproof raincoat, rubber gloves, and came in carrying a small iron box.

The lights in the cabin were white.

Jin Dou saw the man's gloomy face clearly, and Jin Dou was startled: "You, you, aren't you Hei Ju? Why are you here!"

A few days ago, Charlotte's scandal spread all over the world, and of course Jindou saw Charlotte's assistant Hei Ju in the news.

Heiju is a native of Yinlun country, with an unattractive appearance, but his identity is a well-known hacker.

"I have something to ask of you." Heiju sat down one meter away from Jindou, fixed Jindou with a pair of gloomy eyes, as if looking at the fish on the chopping board.

Jin Dou was terrified by this stare.

Heiju's voice was hoarse, and he said with a blank expression: "I checked the information, and you and Tang Tang have a very good relationship. She seems to regard you as her own brother-in this case, Tang Tang must be willing to trade Xiaodi for your life."

(End of this chapter)

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