Chapter 977 The tied golden beans (2)

Jin Dou's hands were tightly tied to the iron pole, and he said awkwardly, "Well, who is Xiaodi?"

Heiju looked at Jindou gloomyly for a while: "Charlotte. I not only want Tang Tang to return Xiaodi to me in person, but also kill her in front of Xiaodi."

Jin Dou: "Oh, that's it. Then brother, I think you should take the initiative to capture without a fight. My sister Tang is more than one person, and there is a huge team behind her. Her target is still the young master of the Fu family. Her father is the head of the Gu family. Lian Yin Prince Snow of London was her childhood playmate.

It won't help if you arrested me. Let me tell you the truth, Sister Tang doesn't think of me as a younger brother at all, she just treats me like a pet dog. Sister Tang doesn't care whether I live or die.I stayed by Tang Tang's side with a shameless face, because I was expelled from the Bock Academy, and those grandchildren saw that I was too close to Ms. S, so they expelled me from school."

Jin Dou didn't want to embarrass Tang Tang, and took the initiative to belittle his own sense of existence.

That Charlotte has committed such a heinous crime that she should spend her entire life in prison.

Heiju listened to Jindou's noisy words, rubbed the center of his eyebrows, and said slowly: "You don't need to belittle yourself, my investigation will not make mistakes, you have an extraordinary position in Tang Tang's heart. I can't catch her, I can only forge A text message came to catch you."

Jin Dou: "Damn it! It's you, the mentally handicapped one who sent me the text message! Let me tell you, I'm not easy to mess with, sir. If you dare to touch my finger, the grandparents in my village will kill you!" "

Heiju was silent for a while.

Have the sailors on the ship deliver the laptop.

Hei Ju searched for Jin Dou's personal information through the Internet.It took him half an hour to briefly break through the village's network and see the internal information in it.

Looking at it, Heiju's face became more and more ugly.

He originally thought that Jindou was just an abandoned student of Bok Academy, but he didn't expect that Jindou actually had such a background.

Hei Ju closed the computer casually, and threw it aside: "I don't care who you are, this is the end of the matter, and there is no turning back for me."

From the moment he fell in love with Charlotte, from the moment he was willing to fight for this woman, there was no turning back.

Hei Ju stood up slowly, opened the small iron box in the corner, looked at Jin Dou with a pair of cold eyes, and said in a hoarse and calm voice, "You better be quiet, I want to take some greeting gifts from you, and give it to that Miss Tang Tang."

Jin Dou broke out in a cold sweat.

Then under the pale light, Jin Dou saw Hei Ju take out a palm-sized iron pliers from the small iron box.Holding the iron pliers, Heiju walked towards Jindou step by step.

Jin Dou was terrified.

Heiju is like a demon who came out of hell. He is smart and wise, he is ruthless, and he is not afraid of threats. He just wants to save Charlotte.

The master gave up on Charlotte, and the second uncle gave up on Charlotte, only Heiju was willing to rescue this woman.

Jin Dou's small body trembled, and a huge fear exploded in his mind. Jin Dou's voice trembled a little: "What are you doing, this is a society ruled by law, you, you, don't come here, Mom and Dad, save me!!"

Hei Ju took out a piece of rusty wire, and tightly tied Jin Dou's right hand to the small iron frame to fix it.

Then, Heiju took out the iron tongs that had been prepared.

The iron tongs clamped on the nail of Jindou's index finger.

Pull hard.

The warm blood and the torn finger tissue burst out in an instant, splashing onto Hei Ju's waterproof raincoat.

Jindou's fingernails were pulled out.

 I don’t know why the background keeps posting the first two chapters, so I can only post the latter ones
  This nail pulling is inspired by the TV series The Pretender~
  Hiss, fingernails hurt

(End of this chapter)

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