Chapter 989 Meeting Ming Sichen (1)

If it wasn't for the injury on his finger, Jin Dou really wanted to greet him with a fist.

The face is so big.

Everyone wants to be a dad.

Fu Jingan is leaving.

Before leaving, he stuck Tang Tang sticky for two days.

Tang Tang is a little tired.

"It's not like you're gone forever, can you restrain yourself a little bit?" Tang Tang almost kicked Fu Jingan off the bed.

On the eve of leaving, the moonlight outside the window was cold, and Fu Jingan sneaked into the house again in the middle of the night.He excused himself by saying that he was suffering from a disease that "you can't get better if you don't share the bed with Tangtang".

Tang Tang: "Oh."

Fu Jingan was quite honest at first.

As the night darkened, the yellow waste in my mind began to dump.

Tang Tang's face was red and her ears were red: "If you continue to make trouble, I will let Wang Xiaogui come in and throw you off the roof!"

It can be said to be quite a fierce threat.

On the contrary, Fu Jingan was quite aggrieved, his hands kept moving, and he was still making excuses: "I didn't go in, I just rubbed—"

Tang Tang kicked him out of bed.

Fu Jingan hugged the pillow and left the room. The city outside was colorful at night, and the moonlight poured into the living room through the floor-to-ceiling windows, making it a bit bleak.Fu Jingan sighed quietly, zipped up, and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, call the fat man and the bodyguard Lao Si for a meeting.

The daughter-in-law does not let her hug her, so she can only enslave her subordinates to stay up late to work.

When Tang Tang woke up the next day, Fu Jingan had already left.

Tang Tang sat up from the bed and called Fu Jingan: "Why didn't you wake me up? I will at least take you to the airport."

He left quietly and didn't see each other for a month.

Looking at the empty room, Tang Tang felt rather melancholy.

She seemed to be becoming more and more inseparable from Fu Jingan.

"I'm at the airport and I'm about to take off." Fu Jingan's voice came through the phone, "When I get home, I will definitely call you as soon as possible."

Tang Tang squeezed the pillow: "My question is, why didn't you wake me up in the morning!"

Fu Jingan was silent for a while: "I'm afraid I can't help it."

The corner of Tang Tang's mouth twitched: "Can't help crying?"

Fu Jingan said quietly: "No, I'm afraid I can't help but eat someone's tofu—Tangtang, you don't even know how good-looking and delicious you are."

The root of Tangtang ear became popular.

Damn, someone has been getting more and more unrestrained recently.

Hua Guosao/pornography/fighting/non-existence, Fu Jingan is definitely the first batch of prisoners to be arrested.

Tang Tang coughed twice, held the phone and talked to Fu Jingan for a while.Knowing that Fu Jingan's flight was about to take off, Tang Tang reluctantly hung up the phone.

The weather is fine, and the spring temperature in Yinlun Kingdom picks up.

Tang Tang stayed in Yinlun Country for a few more days, placed Jindou in the orchestra as an intern, and arranged for a doctor to dispense medicine for his fingers on a regular basis.After finishing all this, Tang Tang was ready to leave Yinlun Kingdom.

She plans to go home first.

The silver wings swept across the sky, and Tang Tang sat on the plane back to the capital of China.The stewardess poured her a glass of red wine and delivered the latest newspaper. Tang Tang read the news while drinking.

The latest headlines of the news were impressively written with the words [Civil turmoil in the Ming family, the original head of the family is missing, suspected of being persecuted by a branch of the family].

The Ming family's sphere of influence is in country A, and they can't control the scribbles in other countries' newspapers.

In Huaguo newspapers, the reporters used extremely exaggerated expressions to boldly speculate about the turmoil within the Ming family and the new heir.

Tang Tang frowned slowly. The environment of the Ming family is "the weak eat the strong, and the capable live in it." From the perverted Ming old patriarch, one can see the horror of this family.

The current Patriarch is Ming Sichen.

Ming Sichen disappeared.
(End of this chapter)

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