Chapter 990 Meeting Ming Sichen (2)

Thinking of the gentle and jade-like young man in his previous life, Tang Tang couldn't help but feel a little worried.He secretly planned to ask Wang Xiaofu and Wang Xiaogui to find out the whereabouts of Ming Sichen when he returned to the capital.

"Ming Sichen is missing. Where will he go?" Tang Tang muttered to himself.

"According to the hexagrams, he should have been exiled to the south." A clear voice sounded, and the girl dressed strangely said with a smile.

The girl looked seventeen or eighteen years old, and was sitting in the business class seat next to Tang Tang.Wearing a tie-dyed cyan dress, the skirt is embroidered with all kinds of weird patterns.The girl wears two thick ponytails, a group of shiny silver ornaments on her forehead, and several strings of coral bracelets on her wrists. Her whole body is shiny with fluorescent light. It looks like a minority/minority/ethnic/ethnic attire.

This outfit seems familiar.

The girl had a dilapidated three-way compass on her lap.

"Who are you?" Tang Tang tilted his head and asked.In fact, from the airport, Tang Tang noticed this special girl. Her clothes were too eye-catching, and it was difficult not to pay attention.

Boarding the plane, it was a coincidence that she was sitting next to Tang Tang again.

The girl smiled and looked very lively and cheerful: "I am from the Miao Clan. My name is Miao Xiaojiao. I came to Yinlun Country to do some business. Now go back to the capital to find my uncle."

Tang Tang suddenly remembered that Tang Tang had participated in a children's variety show when he was a child.The little cute baby in the variety show, in addition to Tang Tang, there is also the current Prince Xue Nuo of Yinlun Kingdom, and a little fat man from the Miao clan
But that was many years ago.

The Miao people are a very mysterious people with a small population, living in the mountains deep in the southwest of China.This nation is good at singing and dancing, and is proficient in gossip and six lines.

Miao Xiaojiao pointed to the compass: "The compass calculates that the [Ming Si Shen] you mentioned just now should be in the south of Hua Kingdom. The hexagrams of the Patriarch of the Ming family are yin and yang, Huisan birds are free, and there is water in the old Yao's courtyard." Deep, no matter how you calculate it, it is a sign of great danger. I am afraid that there is a danger of life."

Tang Tang didn't believe in ghosts, gods, yin and yang, but Tang Tang himself was reborn, and he had to believe in some things.

Tang Tang asked: "What are you talking to me about?"

Miao Xiaojiao took back the three-in-one compass, tilted her head, and said with a smile, "Because I figured out that only you can save this poor Patriarch Ming."

Tang Tang: "You explained that Si Chen is suspected to be in the southwest of China, but our plane is going to the capital in the north. How can I save him?"

As soon as the words fell, the voice of the stewardess suddenly came from the plane announcement: "Passengers, I am sorry to inform you that the plane cannot land because of the heavy rain in the northern cities. The crew will definitely stop temporarily at the southern transit station."

Tang Tang:.
Miao Xiaojiao chuckled, and carefully put the gossip tray back into her bag: "There is God's will in the dark—in fact, it's just the first time I started divination. The patriarch grandpa said that my talent is not inferior to that of the direct line. Wait for me When you return to the clan, you must show off to the patriarch grandpa, hehe."

Tang Tang is speechless, this wonderful family is really not simple.

The plane temporarily changed its route, and three hours later it temporarily stopped at the airport of a large city in the south of China.Passengers complained, boarded the bus arranged by the airport, and temporarily went to a nearby hotel to stay.

Miao Xiaojiao slipped away as soon as she got off the plane.

She said she would take the high-speed train to Kyoto.

The Gu family also has business in this city. Wang Xiaogui specially arranged a private car for Tang Tang. Tang Tang got in the car, pressed his temples and began to think about something, but inadvertently glanced out of the car window——


That young man in black on the street corner is Ming Sichen?

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(End of this chapter)

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