Chapter 109 Damn!Who wants to bully her?
Another one-night shell transformation.

At six o'clock in the morning, Xia Xingxi went downstairs yawning on time, her eyes hadn't even opened yet, but she was already surrounded by enthusiastic seniors from the logistics department. He started knocking on the door of his dormitory, and shouted her name loudly: "Xing Xing, it's morning exercise, Director Chen asked us to wake you up, and you agreed to study hard and make progress every day?"

Xia Xingxi who just closed her eyes: ...

Did Director Chen ask you to come?Hey, as expected, he cannibalizes others and eats up director Chen Anzhou's purse. In the end, he has to get up for morning exercises.

In the crowd, Xia Xingxi couldn't even open her eyes. She yawned and squinted her eyes and ran around the heels of the person in front of her for morning exercises. There was no way she could only see the heels when she squinted her eyes and lowered her head.

The morning exercise was simple, it was five kilometers around the playground, and it seemed to be to take care of the freshmen. They, the first graders, were not fast. Xia Xingxi just followed with her eyes closed, and there was laughter from time to time.

"Look, this is the number one in the logistics department!"

"Pfft, I haven't opened my eyes yet!"

"I heard that the mecha department was crushed yesterday, and even the director of the mecha department wanted her to transfer!"

"A top student is a top student!"

"That's useless, those who enter the logistics department will be corrupted, and sooner or later they will become scumbags!"

"Also, their family's dog-blood drama is also super hot. My cousin got involved in my cousin's marriage, and they got divorced. They have only been married for three years."

"Oh my god, Shan Li, what kind of dog man, he's too scumbag, can't help being lonely after only three years?"

The seniors and sisters who ran past chattered chirpingly, their eyes full of sympathy for Xia Xingxi.

Although she closed her eyes, Xia Xingxi, who said she had heard everything, twitched the corners of her mouth, drooping her eyelids silently, cough, although I am a little sorry for my ex-husband, but, except that he is not a scumbag, everything seems to be true, Just...whatever~~
Running and running, Xia Xingxi suddenly felt that something was wrong, why were her steps getting faster and faster?Accelerated?

She subconsciously raised her eyelids to take a look, and then bumped into the arms of a painting, oh no, it was the arms of a beautiful boy.

Blonde, blue-eyed, typical Aryan blood, and because of her young and indistinguishable beauty, she looks as beautiful as a classical oil painting. In an instant, Xia Xingxi woke up completely. There is no way, good-looking people are also a kind of stimulation , Mental stimulation.

"Huh, who are you? What are you doing in our class?" Xia Xingxi scratched her head, the young man looked at her speechlessly, obviously holding back his anger, and the people around him also stopped, and everyone turned around and saw Xia Xingxi was delighted.

"No.1, what are you doing in our command department?"

"Xing Xing, you ran wrong!" Li Xiaochen blushed, as if he was the one who ran wrong.

"Ah? No, I've been running on my heels."

"Pfft hahaha!"

There was laughter all around, Jonny was helpless, and stared at her firmly, Xia Xingxi only then looked up, and the large troops of the logistics department were not far away, and they also stopped and looked at this side.

Jonny waved at the logistics department: "You guys go first, I have something to ask her."

You look at me in the logistics department, I look at you, and finally shouted at Xia Xingxi: "If they bully you, you call us!"

Jonny: ...

Depend on! !Who wants to bully her? ?
(End of this chapter)

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