After the divorce, the paranoid commander asks for attention every night

Chapter 110 I Don't Know Who Is Bullying Who

Chapter 110 I Don't Know Who Is Bullying Who

Xia Xingxi waved her hand to show Allah, she still doesn't know who is bullying whom.

So the stopped team continued to move forward, Jonny looked Xia Xingxi up and down, obviously halfway through the run, this guy still couldn't open his eyes, there was indeed a bit of contempt and unrelentingness in the beautiful boy's eyebrows, but he still opened his mouth and said: " Xia Xingxi, do you want to make a deal with you?"


Xia Xingxi narrowed her eyes and looked Jonny up and down: "I don't know how to repair mechas."

I'm afraid it wasn't because I was too embarrassing yesterday, so I came to her for repairs, right?That is absolutely impossible. Before she finished her own mecha, she resolutely refused to accept private work, anyway, she had enough money.

"I know, you don't need to fix it!" Jonny looked disgusted, paused and said, "Just ask you to help me see, I think your eyes are very good, and they are more accurate than AI."

Of course, only this kind of eyes are worth more, so there is no need to recruit this kind of people, mainly useless, they can only look at things that cannot be repaired, and a simple transaction is more realistic.

Jonny had already calculated in his heart how to be the best for himself and how to be the worst for himself. At the end of the day, he would earn even if he traded.

"Just take a look." Xia Xingxi squinted her eyes, it's okay to watch, it doesn't take time, and it can make money, now she can get more good materials for her white glow.

"Then how much are you going to give me? Let me tell you, my eyes that are more precise than AI are very expensive."

When it comes to money, Xia Xingxi is absolutely unambiguous, the most important thing is not to lose money.

Jonny stared at her speechlessly: "I can't blame you!"

"Oh, then what will you give me?" Xia Xingxi yawned, and Jonny asked, "Do you want a nutrient solution? The A-level nutrient solution is already the top of the universe."

Grade A nutrient solution?Hearing that Xia Xingxi cheered up, this is a good thing. The F-grade nutrient solution can last a day without eating, drinking and sleeping, but the A-grade nutrient solution is enough to last a month without eating, drinking and sleeping. If you get this thing yourself Son, you can stay indoors for a month to repair the white awns, and you can make the white awns soar into the sky in just a few minutes!

Xia Xingxi had a dark heart, but she still squinted her eyes and showed no expression on her face. Jonny was in a state of panic when she saw it, and wondered why this person didn't respond. Most people would have already exploded when they heard the A-grade nutrient solution. How could this guy be like this? Calm, you don't know what A-grade nutrient solution is, do you?

Johnny was extremely depressed. It was the first time he had seen such an ignorant number one in the world. Why did he make a deal with this kind of person?
When I was depressed, Xia Xingxi's voice came, lazily and indifferently, as if he didn't pay attention to the A-grade nutrient solution at all: "A-grade, come ten boxes, and I'll show you for a month, how about it?"


Xia Xingxi, are you afraid you didn't come to rob?The price of a box of A-grade nutrient solution is in the millions, and you want ten boxes? ?Why don't you go to heaven?
The corner of Johnny's mouth twitched, and his pretty face was distorted: "No, a box."

"Then don't disturb my rest." Xia Xingxi waved his hand, and immediately slowed down, and immediately distanced himself from Jonny. The angry Jonny could only stop, staring at Xia Xingxi angrily: "Three boxes, no more too much!"

"Come on, my sister's eyes are better than AI's. If you want you to look at ten cases, it's cheap for your classmates. There's nothing to talk about!"


Jonny's eyes were red from holding back, no one had ever bargained with the O'Neill family, Xia Xingxi, you are the first, you are really kind!
(End of this chapter)

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