Chapter 113

The staff looked at the faces of the two people, and glanced at Lou Zhanxiao's face emphatically. Seeing that they were calmly rejecting them, they murmured, "Well, she seems to have said something to thank the head of the department."

Lou Zhanxiao: ...

Jiang Chenyi: ...


Jiang Chen slapped the table and burst out laughing: "What is this? Flattering on the pig's leg? No, no, it's directly on the air! You did it for nothing, hahahaha!"

Looking at this smiling friend who was almost out of shape, Lou Zhanxiao expressionlessly stuffed the leftover bones into Jiang Chen's hilarious mouth on the spot. In short, he just felt that the mouth was too open, and it was annoying to see it.

After finishing all this, Lou Zhanxiao got up and left, and the rest of Jiang Chen spit out his bones, stood up and sighed: "Hey, the scene between Lou Zhanxiao and his wife is so interesting that I even I don’t have time to flirt with girls, obviously there are so many cuties here~~”

Jiang Chen squinted his eyes and looked downstairs, the red-haired one was pretty good, the waves were choppy, and the royal sister Fan who was cut by the princess next to him was also very attractive, but unfortunately, they were all a little less attractive than Xia Xingxi. Not interesting enough.

"So, what girl, are you unhappy watching the show hahaha~~~"

Zhinao Monroe flickered for a moment, and silently complained: "You pervert!"

"Don't you think it's interesting?" Jiang Chen shook his head and left, Monroe paused, seemed to be thinking, nodded for a while to express his agreement: "As far as your taste in theater is concerned, you are pretty good."

"Hey, it's rare that you agree~~"

"I just sympathize with Lieutenant Lou, you, hmph, are still perverted!"


Is there something wrong with his intellectual brain, why does he love to hate himself, huh huh? ?

To put it bluntly, there is no difference in the courses of the reserve military academy. In the cultural class in the morning, you learn interstellar lingua franca and military signs, as well as the division of interstellar domains, air routes, climate and geographical elements of star domains and even important planets, etc., but these are mostly divided into three years. After all, the first grade is still mainly based on interstellar common language and military logos.

The afternoon classes are the professional courses of each department. The individual soldier is to keep fit, the command department learns tactics, and the mecha department starts with simple mecha knowledge.

As for the logistics department, it is even more boring. Looking at the history of previous wars, it is mainly about the logistics work.

In the reading room, Brunei, a professor of war history, was wearing thick reading glasses, pinching his beard like a magician and looking over. He was very pleased to see the students who were studying very hard.

The logistics department is indeed different as Chen Anzhou said. In the past, this group of children played cards, chatted, and watched dramas in class, but now, these children study harder than the key department, which is not bad.

The old man nodded frequently until his sight touched a different kind.

A certain number one in the world is sleeping soundly on the table, this guy even knows to pile up a stack of books to cover herself, but the continuous snoring still reveals her movements, this girl is actually sleeping! !

All the students around: ………

They wanted to cover Xia Xingxi, but I'm sorry, people can block it, but there is really no way to shout! !

A cross of blue veins exploded on Brunei's forehead. He put his hands behind his back and walked to Xia Xingxi. The girl next to him, Xu Zhenzhen, was so frightened that he quickly pushed Xia Xingxi. .

Xu Zhenzhen: ...

Professor Brunei: ………

 Dear friends, if you like it, buy more monthly tickets and recommendation tickets, thank you, I love you~~
(End of this chapter)

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