Chapter 114 Heaven, what's going on!
Xu Zhenzhen was dumbfounded, can't he afford it?
Seeing the blue tendon crosses on Professor Brunei's forehead all over his forehead, Xu Zhenzhen was so frightened that he wanted to push, but the old professor raised his hand to stop him.

"Forget it, there's no need to call."

Brunei stared at Xia Xingxi's sleeping face, and said calmly: "Take the exam before get out of class, remember to tell her that the last one will not be used for my class, and there will be no grades for this class at the end of the semester, so it's settled."

Xu Zhenzhen was about to cry, and the students around her were also very anxious. They had to retake the exam next year if they didn’t get a grade at the end of the semester, and the most important thing was that their school punished the tail of the crane. Although it was different every year, the seniors who had been there said, That's not a place for human beings, that's hell.

For a while, the whole reading room was extremely quiet, only Xia Xingxi babbled and muttered, "Give me another piece of this meat..."


The old Brunei professor was trembling with anger and almost broke his pen, but he endured it, you wait until the end of get out of class to talk about it! !

The students were shivering. The old professor was really angry. Although the old professor was usually not angry or angry, the seniors said that this person should be the last thing to be messed with. Xing Xing, you are done. You really messed with him. Ahhhhh! ! !

The students were collectively anxious, but someone was sleeping soundly, and the sound of babbling was accompanied by shouts one after another, which almost killed everyone.

And the history of war in the afternoon is basically an afternoon of reading time, and the get out of class is not finished until 04:30 in the evening. At [-]:[-], Xia Xingxi woke up on time, rubbing her eyes, and looked around sleepily, but was caught by a paper. Blurred face.

"Xing Xing, you slept all afternoon and the old professor is angry! He said that the exam before get out of class ends, the last one will not be used for his class, and there is no grade in the final exam. My God, what will you do at the end of the semester?" Xu Zhen was really anxious no.

Xia Xingxi let out a sigh, and when the result paper was finished, she said calmly, "Isn't it fine if you don't take the bottom one?"

"But the usual grades have to be included in the total grades, Xing Xing, do you have a scholarship? If you don't do well in the exam, your scholarship will be gone!"

Xia Xingxi immediately widened her eyes, scholarship is a big deal.

What else Xu Zhenzhen wanted to explain, the old Brunei professor said angrily: "The last row, don't whisper, start quickly."

As he spoke, he came directly to Xia Xingxi's side, dragged a chair from the end, sat down, and stared at Xia Xingxi's paper.

Everyone in the class was sweating profusely, saying that Alexander, the old professor stared at Xia Xingxi to death, and even crossed the way to hand her the cheat sheet, Xing Xing, it's not that we don't want to help you, there is nothing we can do...

Xu Zhenzhen was also worried, and glanced this way from time to time. Everyone thought that Xia Xingxi would definitely fail a question, and that this quiz was definitely over. It was a quiz, but it seemed like a college entrance examination.

A group of people were completely dumbfounded, thinking that this person was answering the paper indiscriminately. After all, if he writes casually, he may get a high score and avoid the bottom one, but this does not seem to be the case.

Because they could see that Professor Brunei's expression gradually changed from anger and disgust to surprise, then to seriousness, and finally to sticking tightly to Xia Xingxi's side. He squeezed his glasses tightly and widened his eyes, as if he was afraid of missing a word. .

The students around were stunned, what's going on? ?

However, the old professor Wen Lai was even more confused. He stared at the paper, then Xia Xingxi, and then the paper, frowning in a daze.

God, what's going on! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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