Chapter 116

"Xia Xingxi, it's really you, Professor Brunei, you dare to hate me?"

"But I love to hear what you say. No one is more or less. Everyone is very important."

"Yeah, hey, I must study hard!"

The students became more and more excited, but Xia Xingxi narrowed her eyes, and the tragedy of the Kaiwensa war echoed in her mind.

The Federation has the best commanders, and the Empire has the best mechas. Although the Federation has the most people killed in battle, the Empire has spent almost all the money in the treasury to support this war. The mechas and maintenance engineers don't know How much exhaustion, plus the individual soldiers who died in battle, can the contribution of the empire be erased so easily?Isn't it considered a hero if he died on the battlefield?
Xia Xingxi took a deep breath, the past made her helpless and sad, but that was over, she was no longer Xia Xin of the Empire, but Xia Xingxi of the Federation.

"By the way, what did Professor Brunei do?"

Everyone was still discussing after leaving the reading room, but soon, they knew what Professor Brunei was going to do.

The old professor went to the education committee to sit in and protest. There are discrepancies in the war history. The matter became a hot search and became a hot item in the entire federation.

And the empire has obviously seen such hot news, but this time the empire did not express anything. As for what the people of the empire think, it is unknown.

The sit-in protest of the old Brunei professor aroused great enthusiasm in the reserve military academy, and aroused a lot of discussion among the students. In the end, they learned that it was Xia Xingxi who made it up, and everyone thought it was very reasonable, because this academic bully is really a treasure. , skipped class on the first day of school, abused the entire mech department in the afternoon, and later engaged in a sit-in protest by rigid old pedants like Brunei, all of which are simply weird incidents in the history of military academies, and even any of them can be credited to the school The kind that is thin for big events.

Xia Xingxi is like a walking typhoon, the kind that can cause violent storms wherever she goes.

"Tsk tsk, your daughter-in-law, it's this one!" Jiang Chen gave a thumbs up: "I've heard all about it. The cause of this incident is that your wife wrote the Kaiwensa war on the test paper, saying that the federation and the empire paid for it." It is the first time in my life that I have heard such a fair and just summary.”

Jiang Chen frowned as soon as he mentioned the Battle of Kaiwensa. These young people had never participated in the Battle of Kaiwensa, but the military department has video data. Just by looking at the impact, one can see the brutality of the battle. The Federation paid the most People, the empire paid almost all the money of the family, and everyone was hurt, and they had to come back to recuperate after the battle.

"Your wife is excellent."

Even I have to sigh and agree with it. People who have never been on the battlefield can't feel what war is. It's not a simple relationship between friends and enemies, but everyone is brushing shoulders with death.

Even Lou Zhanxiao couldn't help shaking his brows. News about Brunei professors was flying all over the Internet, and the words of a certain student seemed inconspicuous, but Lou Zhanxiao just stared at these three words, because every time he saw , as if seeing the righteous words of the little wife.

It turns out that the little devil also has serious moments.

Lou Zhanxiao stood up, put on his military cap and turned to leave.

"Hey, why are you going?"

The man's eyes were deep, and he seemed to have no intention of saying: "Look at how my mecha is being repaired."


Jiang Chen scratched his head, did he overlook something?
(End of this chapter)

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