Chapter 117

In the deserted alley behind the campus, Xia Xingxi sat there bored waiting for someone, and agreed to take her to see and repair Biying, but why is there no one now?

When frowning, a shadow came down, Xia Xingxi subconsciously turned around, and she saw Lou Zhanxiao.

The man dragged his military cap with one hand, his hair was slightly disheveled in the night wind, and strands of hair brushed his handsome forehead, his sword-shaped eyebrows had their own water chestnuts, his clear and dark eyes were bottomless, and there was an existence deeper than this interstellar .

It's just that the man-made moon has only risen halfway tonight, but half of the bright moon is already as tall as a man. The man's tall figure is huddled under the moonlight, as if covered with a layer of silver light, which is really eye-catching.

Tsk, I have to say that my ex-husband's face is really good. When her white mane is finished, maybe I can make a personalized AI like my ex-husband's face to please myself. Well, it looks good.

Xia Xingxi was thinking wildly, but the man had already said lightly: "Let's go."


The man was leading the way, obviously with long legs, but he was not walking fast enough for Xia Xingxi to follow closely behind, and behind the two of them, a figure followed quietly, Jiang Chen snorted coldly, feeling ignored Something happened, fortunately he followed some people!
Monroe rolled her eyes on one side: "Brother, are you a pervert? What the hell are you following when you're dating?"

"Is this what I call stalking? This is what I call caring about the happy life of my friends. Besides, you are a pervert, and your whole family is perverted!"

Monroe yawned lazily: "You are my whole family."


Knocked and wound himself in.

Above the head, a cyborg parrot flew by, glanced at Jiang Chenyi, and made sure that this thing was not dangerous except that his mind was abnormal, then he quietly skipped the darkness, and slowly landed on Xia Xingxi's shoulder.

The people sent by the military came to the maintenance office early, because it was Biying who was going to be repaired, and everything was carried out under high secrecy, even without Lou Zhanxiao leading the way, even with the general Xia Xingxi, there was no way to come in by himself.

Sure enough, there is still a relationship to do things well.

Xia Xingxi clicked her tongue, passed through the last security gate, and finally saw Biying.

The surrounding instruments are all high-end instruments transported by Capital Star. Busy maintenance personnel come in and out. Biying stands quietly in the courtyard like the most beautiful sculpture in the interstellar world. The fully intelligent lighting illuminates everything 360° without blind spots.

This feels so familiar.

Xia Xingxi likes this kind of feeling inexplicably. This is the place she stayed the longest in her previous life, because no matter whether it is a mech manufacturing workshop or a maintenance workshop, there are such high domes and lights, as well as a patio directly connected to the outside. Come and test the performance of the armor at any time.

In her previous life, she studied growable mechs here, and in this life, she visited Biying here, which is really a wonderful fate.

Xia Xingxi squinted her eyes, so she didn't notice the shadow behind her. The man's chest was almost completely attached to his back. It was warm and hard. It belonged to a soldier's chest.

The strange heat made her look back, and the man who was a head taller than herself raised his hand to enter a string of passwords. She could see the man's handsome jaw, firm neck, erect Adam's apple, and the way he entered the password calmly. , slender and calloused fingers, and even the air seemed to be filled with the smell of hormones of the opposite sex, Xia Xingxi's breath suddenly stagnated.


It's the Adam's apple rolling hard.

(End of this chapter)

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