After the divorce, the paranoid commander asks for attention every night

Chapter 118 Do you believe in love at first sight?

Chapter 118 Do you believe in love at first sight?

"This is a transparent security door. If you hit it just now, the door will be locked and no one can open it."

Lou Zhanxiao lowered his head, and could only see the top of his little wife's jet-black hair, and a crimson ear protruding from the outside, the light color was like a split rose, unexpectedly very beautiful.

It's so cute, the little devil also blush?Doesn't the underground arena look very experienced?

So the corners of the man's thin lips raised a teasing arc, and then he leaned over slightly, stuck to the rose-colored ear, and pointed at everything inside the transparent door: "Did you see Biying, I'm going to take it apart today!" Its head is corrected from the central control nerve..."

The man's voice was very low, whispering with an inexplicable ambiguity, his ears were on fire, and a numb feeling spread along the nerves to the surroundings, crawled across the back, and brushed the side of the waist like electricity.

"You're too close!" Xia Xingxi gritted her teeth, the strange feeling still remained on her skin, she turned her head and pushed him away, there was no relationship between them, was there?

There was a trace of sadness in the man's eyes, but he still leaned over to meet her strong and cold eyes, and whispered in a low voice: "Xing Xing, give me one more chance? I promise I won't lie to you again, you want to I know, I didn't know you were my ex-wife at the time, we...we haven't met..."

Jiang Chenyi thought of this reason for him, although he had seen his little wife in the video sent by his mother, but he really hadn't seen his little wife in reality, hadn't he?And there is no communication, which means they don't know each other, so it's not a fault to go to the underground arena under a fake name, right?
So at this moment, the helpless Lou Zhanxiao could only bring up this reason, all he wanted was for Xingxing not to run away from him anymore.

Xia Xingxi frowned, what she said was true, they had never met each other, and many rich people who visited the underground arena left behind fake names, mainly because they were afraid of being entangled by interested people to avoid misunderstanding, so this reason also It makes sense.

"But you hired a bunny girl!"

A good man would never do such a thing! !

Seeing that his little wife no longer struggled with the fake name, Lou Zhanxiao was a little happy, so he became more patient and lowered his posture, even speaking softly, as if he was afraid of scaring her.

"That's because I like you, Xing Xing. Do you believe in love at first sight? I regret it every day now. I should have seen you before leaving. Otherwise, I wouldn't have wasted three years and missed you in the end."

As he said that, his rough fingertips touched his delicate cheeks, and the skin that could be broken by blows was close at hand, just gently brushed against his fingertips, it was smooth and warm, making people fascinated.

These are sincere words, words from the heart, Lou Zhanxiao squinted his eyes to look at the person in front of him, and said humbly: "So, give me another chance?"

All the misunderstandings were finally explained at this moment. Xia Xingxi glanced at this person, because he lowered his figure, and he could meet his eyes without raising his head. His eyesight was even a little lower, and he made a perfect gesture of putting her first. Seeing this, Xia Xingxi squinted his eyes, and a faint smile appeared on his red lips. Finally, those agile eyes were as before. Looking through the light.

Seeing this, Lou Zhanxiao couldn't help squinting his eyes, because he knew that his little devil was online.

(End of this chapter)

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