Chapter 119 You Take Yourself Too Seriously

"You said you would give it to you if you gave it a chance?"

Xia Xingxi raised her eyebrows and looked over, her tone was full of disdain and arrogance: "Man, you take yourself too seriously. I don't blame you for changing your name to deceive me, but it just proves that this matter has changed. That's all, now, you, stay away from me, and then quickly open this door, I'm here to see Bi Ying, not you."

High-profile, arrogant, even the tone of voice is full of disdainful high-spirited, the aggressive aura reveals seductive elves and weirdness, although Lou Zhanxiao is a little helpless, but he doesn't feel angry, Xing Xing is right, and even Jiang Chenyi has said that bread crumbs need to be sprinkled little by little, so things have to be done step by step, right?
"Well, look at Biying, but I can always miss you and think of you and pursue you, right?"

Lou Zhanxiao pushed open the transparent door, and the commotion inside the door rushed towards his face, Xia Xingxi rolled his eyes: "Whether you want it is your business, whether I want it is my business, man, don't love me." Me, to no avail!"

After speaking, he stepped in, and Zhan Xiao followed up with a helpless expression on his face.

Behind him, a silent shadow shook his head and sighed.

"It's over, don't love me, but there is no result. This sentence is super mysterious. With Lou Zhanxiao's character, why don't you chase after him to death? It's over, it's over, there is another man in the Federation who ruined his family for love !"

"Don't worry, you're going bankrupt too!" Monroe expressed her disdain, don't you spend too much money on women? ?
"I'm different, at least I've got the love of women! It's called going back and forth, I'm not at a loss, but look at Lou Zhanxiao, it's a foolish rush forward!"

"That's better than you, you're a hooligan~~"


I can't have this brain anymore, can I just throw it away?

But at this moment, in Nuo Da's maintenance workshop, Xia Xingxi was staring at Biying seriously.

All that can be seen on the shell are the smooth lines, and the real essence is in the internal structure, but today the repair is the head, and the only thing that can be seen is the disassembled skull.

Thinking of her taking out the latest far-sighted glasses from her pocket and putting them on, her head was enlarged instantly, and even the nerve lines inside could be clearly seen.

Seeing that his little wife had prepared so well, Lou Zhanxiao raised his eyebrows slightly. He always felt that his wife was not a layman who knew nothing. If someone who knew nothing knew how to wear such professional glasses to see the mecha maintenance?

So his deep eyes narrowed slightly, and he stared deeply at Xia Xingxi's back. The little devil is just a little devil, so there must be many things he doesn't know about, right?
Thinking about him, he turned around and left. Nuoya had already prepared drinks and snacks. Lou Zhanxiao came over and placed them gently beside Xia Xingxi: "Is there anything you want to ask?"

When the drink was handed over to him, Xia Xingxi didn't even give him a look, but just took it with one hand, and then still stared intently.


Xia Xingxi narrowed her eyes and stared at the wiring in Biying's head, and suddenly asked, "Who made this Biying for you?"

"Sorry, I can't tell you this."


Xia Xingxi took a deep breath and silently sipped her drink, but her eyes were filled with an unfathomable depth and darkness, and even Lou Zhanxiao couldn't figure out what she was thinking for a while.

What's wrong with his Biying?

(End of this chapter)

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