Chapter 123
Before Xia Xingxi could make a sound, several classmates surrounded her, the intention of protecting her was obvious, Fang Yu looked puzzled: "I'm looking for classmate Xia, what do you need?"

Several people glanced at each other, then looked back at Xia Xingxi reluctantly: "What do you say?"

Hearing this, Fang Yu looked over with great enthusiasm: "I can also let you be the freshman representative of the Mecha Department, and I can give you whatever you want!"

In short, these talents cannot be buried in the mecha department!

"Oh, just, no need, I really like staying in the logistics department, then teacher, I have nothing to do, I have to study hard, see you later."

After finishing speaking, he went back. The meaning of refusal was obvious. The teachers around looked somber. If they really lie, they don’t even make drafts. Study?You call sleeping a study? ?
"This child, why doesn't he go to a good department?" Fang Yu was dumbfounded, and a teacher next to him comforted him: "The vice principal also said that since she made a mistake in the department, she would change it. She didn't want to come. Yes, Professor Fang, I don't think you need to talk about it, it's useless."


Several people tried to dissuade them, but Fang Yu insisted: "No, none of the children in the mecha department can surpass Xia Xingxi this year. How can I give up? The future of the Federation needs excellent mecha masters, otherwise we will always be better than Xia Xingxi." The empire is short!"

Seeing what he said, someone finally couldn't help suggesting: "Otherwise, you can do this."

Hearing that Fang Yu looked over, the man said, "Xia Xingxi herself doesn't want to come, but if the whole class goes, wouldn't she be able to refuse?"

In one sentence, Professor Xingfang, while happily expressing his gratitude, turned around and left excitedly. Soon after, an additional subject, Mecha, was added to the curriculum of the Logistics Department.

Everyone in the logistics department: ………

Everyone in the mecha department: ………

What kind of coquettish operation is this, huh?Ok?Ok? ?
"Why does the logistics department need to learn mecha?" The students exploded.

"I heard that Professor Fang specially applied for someone."

As for who that person is, it goes without saying that that person is Xia Xingxi who suggested that Biying needs repair some time ago.

The students of the mecha department all frowned.

"What, is this person so powerful? Let the entire logistics department learn mechas just for her? Then what are we?"

"He is a master of learning, a genius in mechs, Professor Fang said."

"Fuck, those who go to the logistics department are all rubbish, where is there any genius!"

The students of the mecha department were indignant, and Xia Yue'er had the ugliest face. She stood in front of the public notice board and looked at the content on it, her face was extremely gloomy.

Damn Xia Xingxi, you are so cruel, you finally got your wish and came back to study mecha, bitch!

Xia Yue'er was about to go crazy, why did she take such a huge risk to change Xia Xingxi's department?Isn't it because you don't want her to come into contact with mechs?It's all right now, I've put in so much effort, but in the end I still want to come back to learn mecha, and the best professor in my department personally asked me to, personally! !
Why things just don't go the way she wants, why! !

Xia Yue'er was trembling with anger, and Cao Miaomiao and Li Wencheng were obviously annoyed when they saw the announcement.

"What kind of trick did Xia Xingxi use? Even the professor helped her like this?"

"What's the point of us messing with her like that?"

"He is such a lingering fellow, he will come to scare us Yue'er even if he dies."

(End of this chapter)

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