Chapter 124 Can't Make Her Better
The more they talked, the more angry Li Wencheng said: "Yue'er, it's okay, we are all on your side, it's useless for her to learn mecha, we believe that your ability is definitely above hers."

What will Xia Xingxi do?It's just a layman. Although the eyes are better, it is useless to see things that cannot be repaired. After all, the current AI can also see it.

Hearing this, Xia Yue'er's face softened slightly, but Cao Miaomiao and Li Wencheng knew that Yue'er must be very angry, and they looked at each other, and they both understood each other's emotions from each other's eyes.

From now on, trouble Xia Xingxi, don't make her feel better!

Now that Yue'er is angry, Xia Xingxi can't even think about it, and even thinking about coming back to read the mecha system, Ying Yue'er, let alone think about it.

In a place where no one was around, the two whispered: "Fuck her when we are in class together."

"Well, don't worry, these little shoes are definitely for her!"

Finally, it was the weekend, but Jonny O'Neal's face was extremely ugly. He frowned and looked up at the military movie flashing on the light screen, feeling extremely bad.

I agreed to go to his house to watch mechs on the weekend, but now I’m fine, and I still have classes on the weekend, and it’s a military education class. I thought I was going to learn from textbooks, but it turned out to be watching movies? ?
"Jonny, your face is so ugly, what's wrong?" the gentle female classmate asked kindly, in exchange for the boy's eyes: "Go away."

The girl was very sad, so she stopped talking to him. Jonny looked in the direction of the logistics department, and sure enough, she saw Xia Xingxi resting there with her head propped on one hand. Not far behind her, Lieutenant Lou was using a weapon that could kill People stared at her back, which made Jonny shiver.

Dead boy, if you dare to sleep in the lieutenant's class upstairs, you are absolutely dead!
While thinking, Lieutenant Lou shook off a blanket and put it on Xia Xingxi in full view of everyone, then met the shocked gaze, and said coldly, "She is number one in the world, why, shouldn't she take care of her?"

Everyone: ………

It feels like I have been hit by [-] critical points, and I can't refute it.

After finishing speaking, Lou Zhanxiao ordered the students next to him: "She's awake, let her come to my office."

"it is good."

It turned out that they planned to settle accounts after the fall.

Everyone stared at Xia Xingxi's head that had fallen to his chest, and silently shed tears for the number one in the world. Sleeping in Lou Lieutenant's class, you are dead!

Jonny sighed, when will this crap movie end?
And all of this also fell into Xia Yue'er's eyes, she stared at this side, her eyes were slightly red.

Xia Xingxi!
It was so easy to wait until the end of the class, and it was already dark. The weekend night should be relaxed and happy, but everyone was exhausted. Is your office?"

Her eyes were full of hope, her face was soft, and her eyes were full of fascination with men, but Lou Zhanxiao didn't even look at her, as if I hadn't heard, turned his head, his eyes found Xia Xingxi accurately, and said indifferently: " You, come to my office!"

After saying that, she turned her head and left. Chi Guoguo's refusal made Xia Yue'er almost explode, while Xia Xingxi just shuffled her steps with a displeased expression, and followed behind Lou Zhanxiao with a sigh.

In the distance, the beautiful boy Jonny who was waiting to block Xia Xingxi went crazy when he saw this scene, can he still see his mecha! !Ten boxes of Grade A nutrient solution! !

"Jonny, can't wait for a girlfriend?" A senior next to him joked, and Jonny frowned.

What are these people talking about?

(End of this chapter)

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