After the divorce, the paranoid commander asks for attention every night

Chapter 128 I Don't Mind Even If You Are Sick

Chapter 128 I Don't Mind Even If You Are Sick

The fist of his left hand smashed into the palm of his right hand, and Xia Xingxi was immediately happy. There are more people, and there are more things, and there are more types. Maybe you can really eat more delicious food, hahaha!
Well, even if you are sick, I don't mind~~
Xia Xingxi waved her hand and left, while Zhan Xiao went downstairs and stared at her back and ordered indifferently: "Nuoya, tell Vice Principal Lemons that tomorrow's class will not be held. The students are working so hard, so let's take a normal weekend."

Sure enough, showing weakness is still useful.

"Okay, Lieutenant."

When Lemons received the notice, the vice principal was stunned.

Why does Lieutenant Lou look different every day?But it seems that the military department often orders one at a time. Is this a common problem?

Lemons had no choice but to send a notice to all the teachers and students at night, and cheers came from the dormitory. Although Saturday was gone, he came back on Sunday, and he can go out tomorrow! !
When Xia Xingxi received the notification, she was being blocked by Jonny.

"Xia, Xing, Xi!"

From the tone of gnashing of teeth, one can hear how angry this beautiful boy is.

Xia Xingxi shrugged her shoulders: "I just received the notice. I have a rest tomorrow. You can go. Don't worry, we are both in the same school, and I can't run away!"

"No, just follow me now!" He waited for too long and couldn't wait any longer, anyway, there is no class tomorrow, so let me go now!

"Now?" Xia Xingxi was stunned: "It's past ten o'clock, and the school gates are closed!"

"Over the wall!"


All right, you have the final say.

"But wait until I call two people."

"Why do you still have to call someone?" Johnny was about to explode in anger, can we hurry up and leave?
"Just..." It's definitely not because I can eat more delicious food.

"Be safe."


The corner of Johnny's mouth twitched, for a moment he really wanted to give up on Xia Xingxi, it's safer, huh?Even if all the women in the world were dead, he, Jonny, would not be interested in this kind of unprogressive woman!
Jonny was so angry that he didn't want to talk anymore. Seeing that Xia Xingxi had finished typing, he dragged her away.

"Hey, my friend hasn't come yet!"

"Go out and get in the car, and climb over the wall first!"

Then it happened that Jonny took his sweetheart over the wall in the middle of the night, because it was the wall behind the dormitory, so in the dormitory facing the back wall, all the students witnessed the beautiful boy Jonny leading the world's No. The student's girlfriend overcame the wall.

So the story quickly spread throughout the school.

"You know, Jonny took Xia Xingxi over the wall just now!"

"This is planning to spend the night outside!"

"Golden boy and jade girl have the same face, one is first and the other is second, and the appearance is super matching!"

"That's right, if anyone dares to separate the two of them in the future, I will be the first to disagree!"

This is basically recognized by the whole school, or the kind that is blessed by the whole school. I don't know what kind of complicated expression Master Jonny will have when he hears the truth.

As for Cao Miaomiao who came out later and said that Xia Xingxi kissed Lieutenant Lou, everyone just laughed.

Flicker, then flicker, everyone saw Jonny taking Xia Xingxi over the wall for a date, and kissing Lieutenant Lou?Hehe, what about cheating ghosts?Please, you can tell a little bit of a lie, it's obviously too fake!
So there was that super classic warning.

"Cao Miaomiao, don't find fault with me. If the two of them are separated, please be careful when you walk around the school in the future!"

Cao Miaomiao: ...

(End of this chapter)

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