Chapter 129 Gouging out her eyes
Cao Miaomiao put down her brain and covered her face and cried, she really wasn't lying!

"Forget it, let's post the photos next time, huh?" Li Wencheng was also very helpless, who knew that the whole school didn't believe it, and someone posted a photo of Johnny and Xia Xingxi climbing over the wall, and the clear evidence directly swollen them both How can this rumor spread? ?
Oh, no, it's not a rumor, it's a fact!

Li Wencheng was helpless, why even he thought it was a rumor, huh? ?

Cao Miaomiao swore while wiping her nose, "Xia Xingxi, wait for me!!"

Then... just wait and wait~~ who is afraid of whom~~
"This, this is your home?"

Li Xiaochen's eyes were straightened, obviously her own family is also very rich, but compared with Jonny, her family is really not even Mao Mao, this can already be regarded as the level of a chaebol, right?
"Hmph, the O'Neill family is indeed rich." Martha was straightforward. She had worked in the underground arena for a long time, so she had naturally heard of the O'Neill family.

Jonny didn't want to talk to them, and if it wasn't for Xia Xingxi who could see something wrong with the mecha, he wouldn't want to talk to Xia Xingxi at all.

"Come with me to the warehouse."

Jonny turned his head and was about to leave, but Xia Xingxi blinked and rubbed his belly pitifully: "I'm hungry and I don't have the strength."


Master Johnny took a deep breath, and suppressed the anger in his heart: "Okay, eat, come with me."

Several people brought them into the living room and ordered the butler to serve food. The eyes of the three girls lit up when they saw a table of delicious food.

Martha was better, at least she ate the food in the VIP room with Xia Xingxi, but it was the first time for Li Xiaochen to see this kind of battle, and she was overjoyed on the spot.

"A lot of delicious food that I have never seen before."

Xia Xingxi didn't care about it at all: "Eat, open up and eat, take away the delicious ones and eat them!"

Jonny closed his eyes, who the hell is this house?Forget it, for the sake of his mecha, so Johnny didn't care about it, whatever he wanted, his temper was almost smoothed out by Xia Xingxi.

However, while several people were eating, something fell from their heads. Xia Xingxi was quick-eyed, and pulled Jonny away on the spot to hide. A light knife was thrust straight into the dining table, and even poked a crack in the floor.

Li Xiaochen's face turned pale, and several people looked up subconsciously, but saw a more beautiful boy on the second floor. The boy had the same dazzling blond hair as Jonny, but his eyes were blue and green, as blue as a lake, and as green as a lake. The glowing light is like a smoldering lamp.

"Second brother, what are you doing!" Jonny was furious, and jumped up on the spot: "You will hurt people like this!"

Too dangerous!The dining table and the floor at home are all made of alloy, but the light knife still penetrates everything. If you stab someone, you don’t know how many people die, right?
Looking at the angry little brother, Bill raised his right arm indifferently, and everyone saw that it was not a human hand protruding from the sleeve, but a cold mechanical arm.

The metal-glowing fingers bent and clenched flexibly, but Bill's face became a little crazy.

"What should I do? My mechanical arm is not sensitive at all. If my hand is still there, I can definitely hold the light knife."

After speaking, the boy looked down at Jonny, the indifference and questioning in his eyes seemed to be a heavy shackle, and Jonny could only hang his arrogant head down.

"I'm sorry, second brother, I said it too seriously."

Li Xiaochen and Martha both looked surprised when the arrogant Young Master Johnny bowed his head to admit his mistake, but Xia Xingxi glanced back and forth between the two of them, and then his gaze fell directly on Bill's mechanical arm.

"Jonny, gouged out her eyes!"

(End of this chapter)

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