After the divorce, the paranoid commander asks for attention every night

Chapter 150 The two of you are in a relationship, why is it me who gets beaten up?

Chapter 150 The two of you are in a relationship, why is it me who gets beaten up?

At this moment, it always makes people feel that the genders of the two have changed. Xia Xingxi is on top, while Lou Zhanxiao is forced to submit himself to the bottom. The two are very close, and their breaths are entangled with each other. smell.

Xia Xingxi stared obsessively at the deep eyes of the person in front of her, fingertips fiddled with the scattered hair on her forehead, then gently stroked across her brow bone, nose bridge, corner of her lips, and finally raised her chin, staring at this thin, Thin lips with a tinge of light.

I can't tell you what it feels like, but in short, when the atmosphere is warmed up, everything happens naturally.

Xia Xingxi felt as if she was possessed by a demon, seduced by the person below her, and slowly leaned over, only thinking of getting closer to those lips.

Lou Zhanxiao even tensed his body slightly. Even he never thought that after Bidong would develop like this. After all, Jiang Chenyi had never taught himself this part. Although he was a little surprised, it was more of joy and anticipation. hope.

He really wants to hug the stars...

His eyes stared at the people who kept approaching, and his dreams were about to come true. The closed door was kicked open with a slamming sound, and the two people on the sofa looked up in an instant.

It's Jiang Chenyi.

This man, who always appeared at the most suitable time, was stunned after seeing all this.

A second later, he slowly closed the door: "Sorry, you continue, please act as if nothing happened, I have never been here, do not exist, thank you!"

Then the door closed again, leaving only the room full of embarrassment.

Let me go, how can I pretend that you don't exist, it didn't happen! ! !

Even Xia Xingxi was speechless, it was definitely embarrassment and his mother opened the door for embarrassment, it was so embarrassing! !

At this moment, the man under him also moved, he helped her by the shoulders to settle her down, Lou Zhanxiao handed her a big bag of food, and said, "Xing Xing, go out in a while, don't look back when you hear any sounds, I will I don't want to dirty your eyes."

After finishing speaking, Lou Zhanxiao silently picked up his coat, and walked out while putting it on, his eyes fixed on the door panel, with a cold murderous intent glowing inside.

Xia Xingxi was so dumbfounded, she didn't remember to ask until the door closed, "No, what are you going to do?"

What are you going to do?
Old and new grudges are settled together, Jiang Chenyi's surname will not be Lou unless he blows up Jiang Chenyi's pig's head! !
Xia Xingxi took a deep breath, silently picked up her delicious food, turned her head and left, thinking that everything about kissing Lou Zhanxiao was fake, because she was deceived by her temporary beauty, she didn't love any man, she loved It's the mecha, it's her white awn! !
So Xia Xingxi left quickly, even though there were bursts of screams behind her, she didn't stop.

"No, I really didn't know you guys were having a heated fight in there! Lou Zhanxiao, I'm doing it for your own good. I didn't teach you two tricks. You almost kissed your wife today?"

As soon as Jiang Chen ran away with his head in his arms, it was good not to mention this matter, but Lou Zhanxiao's combat power soared by another ten percent when he mentioned this matter.

I acted according to what he taught, but I was thrown out twice. Although Bidong was effective, it was only limited to Xingxing Bidong himself, not Bidong Xingxing himself! !

So the man in front of him has to take all the responsibilities!

Jiang Chenyi, are you ready to suffer death?
Lieutenant Lou opened fire with full firepower. In the teaching building in the first half of the night, someone's screams were ups and downs. It wasn't until the second half of the night that he managed to hide in the ventilation duct outside the building, and everything like a nightmare was over.

Jiang Chen was so wronged that he burst into tears, Ma De, you two are in a relationship, why is it Lao Tzu who got beaten up? ?
(End of this chapter)

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