After the divorce, the paranoid commander asks for attention every night

Chapter 151 I'll Arrange For You To Fall Over Your Shoulder

Chapter 151 I'll Arrange For You To Fall Over Your Shoulder
The answer to this question is very obvious, the routine that Jiang Chen used on ordinary girls is not applicable here at all, you can try approaching Xia Xingxi from behind, and I will definitely arrange for you to fall over the shoulder.

Monroe was speechless to her stupid master. It is estimated that nutrition has gone down three ways, and the brain must not care about supplementing nutrition, it is all shriveled.

But on the other side, Xia Xingxing slowly returned to the dormitory while eating Capital Star's special products, and continued to assemble her robotic arms.

The number of fans in the live broadcast room has increased again. Now Xia Xingxi has become a well-known mecha manufacturing internet celebrity on the Federal Media platform, just because no one can get Xia Xingxi's information, and the Federal Media is determined not to disclose it because of a confidentiality agreement. In short, it's fine even if it's made public. Xia Xingxi is very considerate of her own safety. It can be said that everything she says is false, and no one can find out about her.

Relying on the nutrient solution for half a month, sleeping during the day and continuing to assemble the robotic arm at night, I finally finished the things before the founding day and sent them to Bill.

It was Jonny who got the courier. After confirming that it was the mechanical arm for the second brother, Jonny quickly sent the things upstairs.

"Second brother, the robotic arm is here."

Bill looked over after hearing the words, staring at the box in front of him, frowning slightly: "Call Xia Xingxi, I want to test it in front of her."

As for what happened next, although Bill didn't say anything, Jonny still knew very well that if the mechanical arm didn't work well, Xia Xingxi wouldn't be able to walk out of the O'Neill family today.

Although he didn't like what the second brother did, he really couldn't disobey it. The reason why the elder brother lost an arm was to save himself, and he had an unshirkable responsibility.

Thinking of this, he could only ask Xia Xingxi out, but at the door of the house, he took a deep look at the woman: "If my brother gets angry, I will find a way to save your life."


Xia Xingxi was a little surprised: "Why are you angry? Intermittent neuropathy?"

"You're looking for death!" Jonny turned back and stared at her fiercely: "I mean, if my brother is not satisfied with your mechanical arm, he will definitely kill you. I just want to save you!"

"Oh, don't worry, your brother absolutely likes it, there is no one in this world who doesn't like what I got!" After finishing speaking, Xia Xingxi pushed Jonny aside, and walked in by herself, leaving Jonny speechless.

This woman doesn't have much ability by herself, but she speaks big words very slipperily. If the second brother blows up in a while, it depends on how you end up!

Jonny frowned. He didn't like Xia Xingxi at the beginning, but the number one in the world willingly degraded and went to study Mecha, and now he is still so brazen. Do you know mechanics and say such a thing?
Jonny looked disgusted, he knew very well that Xia Xingxi had to see the second brother's wrath, so that this woman would know how to be afraid!
Thinking that he also followed in. In the room, the courier box has been opened, and there is a mechanical arm lying quietly inside. Looking at the arm, it can be seen that it is a machine, but the hand part is no different from a real person's hand.

Seeing that Jonny's eyelids twitched wildly here, did Xia Xingxi have some misunderstanding about the simulation?It's not that the more you make it like a real hand, the better. The point is not the appearance, but the high technology inside!

Jonny became more and more frightened. He was really afraid that Xia Xingxi's blood would splash on the spot, and when he heard the movement, the man in the wheelchair also looked over coldly, staring at Xia Xingxi firmly.

"You, you really dare to come!"

(End of this chapter)

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